Callum Rees
Callum Rees
在 massey.ac.nz 的电子邮件经过验证
Gilbert-style Pleistocene fan delta reveals tectonic development of North Island axial ranges, New Zealand
C Rees, J Palmer, A Palmer
New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics 61 (1), 64-78, 2018
Plio-Pleistocene geology of the lower Pohangina valley, New Zealand
C Rees, J Palmer, A Palmer
New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics 61 (1), 44-63, 2018
A Convenient Synthesis of 1, 5-Fused 1, 2, 4-Triazoles from N-Arylamidines via Chloramine-T Mediated Intramolecular Oxidative N–N Bond Formation
A Bhatt, RK Singh, R Kant, BK Sarma
Synthesis 51 (20), 3883-3890, 2019
Litho-structural controls on Quaternary landslide distribution in the Rangitikei hill country, North Island, New Zealand
C Rees, A Palmer, J Palmer
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 63 (1), 90-109, 2020
Integrating LiDAR to unravel the volcanic architecture and eruptive history of the peralkaline Tūhua (Mayor Island) volcano, New Zealand
S Kósik, K Németh, C Rees
Geomorphology 418, 108481, 2022
Quaternary sedimentology and tephrostratigraphy of the lower Pohangina Valley, New Zealand
C Rees, A Palmer, J Palmer
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 62 (2), 171-194, 2019
Whanganui Basin, an archive of prehistoric earthquakes? Waitapu Shell Conglomerate (c. 0.9 Ma), North Island, New Zealand
C Rees, J Palmer, A Palmer
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 62 (2), 195-216, 2019
Landscape evolution and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Pourewa Stream catchment, lower North Island, New Zealand
C Rees, J Palmer, A Palmer, R Singh
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 62 (2), 147-170, 2019
Variation in saturated hydraulic conductivity at the outcrop scale, the Whanganui Basin, New Zealand
C Rees, A Palmer, J Palmer, R Singh
Groundwater 58 (4), 622-637, 2020
Tephrostratigraphic constraints on sedimentation and tectonism in the Whanganui Basin, New Zealand
C Rees, J Palmer, A Palmer
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 63 (2), 262-280, 2020
From sink to source: Late Quaternary landscape evolution and fluvial dynamics of the Hautapu River catchment, New Zealand
S Kósik, C Rees, AS Palmer, M Todd, M Tost, W McKay
Geomorphology 412, 108319, 2022
The geology of the lower Pohangina Valley, Manawatu, New Zealand: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Earth …
C Rees
Massey University, 2015
Integrating LiDAR to unravel the volcanic architecture and eruptive history of the peralkaline Tu over line hua (Mayor Island) volcano, New Zealand
S Kosik, K Nemeth, C Rees
The hydrogeology of the Pourewa sub-catchment, Rangitikei, New Zealand: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in …
C Rees
Massey University, 2020
Fire and Pinus rigida rock outcrop communities of the Northern Shawangunk Mountains (New York)
CA Rees
Field Trip 2: Landuse and stratigraphy within the eastern Whanganui Basin North Island, New Zealand
C Rees, A Palmer, J Palmer, M Todd
Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution and Fluvial Dynamics of the Hautapu River Catchment, New Zealand
S Kósik, C Rees, AS Palmer, M Todd, M Tost, W McKay
New Zealand, 0
PS Rhyolitic Pumice Provides a Chronology for Sedimentation and Deformation in Whanganui Basin, New Zealand
J Palmer, A Palmer, C Rees
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