Soumia AMIR
Soumia AMIR
FST, Innovation City, Université Cadi Ayyad,
在 usms.ma 的电子邮件经过验证
Sequential extraction of heavy metals during composting of sewage sludge
S Amir, M Hafidi, G Merlina, JC Revel
Chemosphere 59 (6), 801-810, 2005
Chemical and spectroscopic analysis of organic matter transformation during composting of sewage sludge and green plant waste
A Jouraiphy, S Amir, M El Gharous, JC Revel, M Hafidi
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 56 (2), 101-108, 2005
Structural study of humic acids during composting of activated sludge-green waste: elemental analysis, FTIR and 13C NMR
S Amir, A Jouraiphy, A Meddich, M El Gharous, P Winterton, M Hafidi
Journal of hazardous materials 177 (1-3), 524-529, 2010
Fate of phthalic acid esters during composting of both lagooning and activated sludges
S Amir, M Hafidi, G Merlina, H Hamdi, A Jouraiphy, M El Gharous, ...
Process Biochemistry 40 (6), 2183-2190, 2005
Elemental analysis, FTIR and 13C-NMR of humic acids from sewage sludge composting
S Amir, M Hafidi, G Merlina, H Hamdi, JC Revel
Agronomie 24 (1), 13-18, 2004
Fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during composting of lagooning sewage sludge
S Amir, M Hafidi, G Merlina, H Hamdi, JC Revel
Chemosphere 58 (4), 449-458, 2005
Structural characterization of humic acids, extracted from sewage sludge during composting, by thermochemolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
S Amir, M Hafidi, L Lemée, G Merlina, M Guiresse, E Pinelli, JC Revel, ...
Process Biochemistry 41 (2), 410-422, 2006
Structural characterization of olive mill waster-water after aerobic digestion using elemental analysis, FTIR and 13C NMR
M Hafidi, S Amir, JC Revel
Process Biochemistry 40 (8), 2615-2622, 2005
Structural study of the fulvic fraction during composting of activated sludge–plant matter: Elemental analysis, FTIR and 13C NMR
A Jouraiphy, S Amir, P Winterton, M El Gharous, JC Revel, M Hafidi
Bioresource Technology 99 (5), 1066-1072, 2008
Structural characterization of fulvic acids during composting of sewage sludge
S Amir, M Hafidi, G Merlina, JC Revel
Process Biochemistry 40 (5), 1693-1700, 2005
Microbial community dynamics during composting of sewage sludge and straw studied through phospholipid and neutral lipid analysis
S Amir, G Merlina, E Pinelli, P Winterton, JC Revel, M Hafidi
Journal of hazardous materials 159 (2-3), 593-601, 2008
Molecular behaviour of humic acid-like substances during co-composting of olive mill waste and the organic part of municipal solid waste
F Barje, L El Fels, H El Hajjouji, S Amir, P Winterton, M Hafidi
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 74, 17-23, 2012
Contribution à la valorisation de boues de stations d'épuration par compostage: devenir des micropolluants métalliques et organiques et bilan humique du compost.
S Amir
Characterization of humic acids extracted from sewage sludge during composting and of their Sephadex® gel fractions
S Amir, M Hafidi, JR Bailly, JC Revel
Agronomie 23 (3), 269-275, 2003
The fulvic acid fraction as it changes in the mature phase of vegetable oil-mill sludge and domestic waste composting
R Abouelwafa, S Amir, S Souabi, P Winterton, V Ndira, JC Revel, M Hafidi
Bioresource Technology 99 (14), 6112-6118, 2008
Fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during composting of activated sewage sludge with green waste
M Hafidi, S Amir, A Jouraiphy, P Winterton, M El Gharous, G Merlina, ...
Bioresource technology 99 (18), 8819-8823, 2008
Physico-chemical analysis of tannery solid waste and structural characterization of its isolated humic acids after composting
S Amir, F Benlboukht, N Cancian, P Winterton, M Hafidi
Journal of hazardous materials 160 (2-3), 448-455, 2008
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria consortia associated with phospho-compost on phosphorus solubilization and growth of tomato seedlings …
S El Maaloum, A Elabed, ZE Alaoui-Talibi, A Meddich, A Filali-Maltouf, ...
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 51 (5), 622-634, 2020
PLFAs of the microbial communities in composting mixtures of agro-industry sludge with different proportions of household waste
S Amir, R Abouelwafa, A Meddich, S Souabi, P Winterton, G Merlina, ...
International biodeterioration & biodegradation 64 (7), 614-621, 2010
Evaluation of the nutrients cycle, humification process, and agronomic efficiency of organic wastes composting enriched with phosphate sludge
A Haouas, C El Modafar, A Douira, S Ibnsouda-Koraichi, A Filali-Maltouf, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 302, 127051, 2021
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