zhengyang bai
Ultraslow optical solitons and their storage and retrieval in an ultracold ladder-type atomic system
Y Chen, Z Bai, G Huang
Physical Review A 89 (2), 023835, 2014
Enhanced third-order and fifth-order Kerr nonlinearities in a cold atomic system via Rydberg-Rydberg interaction
Z Bai, G Huang
Optics express 24 (5), 4442-4461, 2016
Stable single light bullets and vortices and their active control in cold Rydberg gases
Z Bai, W Li, G Huang
Optica 6 (3), 309-317, 2019
Plasmon dromions in a metamaterial via plasmon-induced transparency
Z Bai, G Huang
Physical Review A 93 (1), 013818, 2016
Giant Kerr nonlinearity and low-power gigahertz solitons via plasmon-induced transparency
Z Bai, G Huang, L Liu, S Zhang
Scientific reports 5 (1), 13780, 2015
Classical analogs of double electromagnetically induced transparency
Z Bai, C Hang, G Huang
Optics Communications 291, 253-258, 2013
Fast-responding property of electromagnetically induced transparency in Rydberg atoms
Q Zhang, Z Bai, G Huang
Physical Review A 97 (4), 043821, 2018
Subluminal and superluminal terahertz radiation in metamaterials with electromagnetically induced transparency
Z Bai, C Hang, G Huang
Optics Express 21 (15), 17736-17744, 2013
Observation of blackbody radiation enhanced superradiance in ultracold Rydberg gases
L Hao, Z Bai, J Bai, S Bai, Y Jiao, G Huang, J Zhao, W Li, S Jia
New Journal of Physics 23 (8), 083017, 2021
Storage and retrieval of (3+ 1)-dimensional weak-light bullets and vortices in a coherent atomic gas
Z Chen, Z Bai, H Li, C Hang, G Huang
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 8211, 2015
Storage and retrieval of ultraslow optical solitons in coherent atomic system
Z Bai, C Hang, G Huang
Chinese Optics Letters 11 (1), 012701, 2013
Self-induced transparency in warm and strongly interacting Rydberg gases
Z Bai, CS Adams, G Huang, W Li
Physical Review Letters 125 (26), 263605, 2020
Ergodicity breaking from Rydberg clusters in a driven-dissipative many-body system
D Ding, Z Bai, Z Liu, B Shi, G Guo, W Li, CS Adams
Science advances 10 (9), eadl5893, 2024
Storage and retrieval of Airy light wave packets in a coherent atomic system
C Hang, Z Bai, G Huang
Physical Review A 90 (2), 023822, 2014
Storage and retrieval of electromagnetic waves with orbital angular momentum via plasmon-induced transparency
Z Bai, D Xu, G Huang
Optics express 25 (2), 785-798, 2017
Experimental observation of partial parity-time symmetry and its phase transition with a laser-driven cesium atomic gas
Y Xue, C Hang, Y He, Z Bai, Y Jiao, G Huang, J Zhao, S Jia
Physical Review A 105 (5), 053516, 2022
Quantum reflections of nonlocal optical solitons in a cold Rydberg atomic gas
Z Bai, Q Zhang, G Huang
Physical Review A 101 (5), 053845, 2020
Nonlinear polaritons in metamaterials with plasmon-induced transparency
Z Bai, Q Zhang, G Huang
Chinese Optics Letters 17 (1), 012501, 2019
Electromagnetically induced transparency of interacting Rydberg atoms with two-body dephasing
D Yan, B Wang, Z Bai, W Li
Optics Express 28 (7), 9677-9689, 2020
Storage and retrieval of light pulses in a fast-light medium via active Raman gain
D Xu, Z Bai, G Huang
Physical Review A 94 (6), 063857, 2016
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