Nurhasanah Jusuf
Nurhasanah Jusuf
Universitas Khairun
在 unkhair.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Amplification and analysis of Rbcl gene (Ribulose-1, 5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase) of clove in Ternate Island
Nurhasanah, Sundari, N Papuangan
IOP conference series: earth and environmental science 276 (012061), 1-7, 2019
Pemetaan populasi dan tipe varietas lokal tanaman cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum L.) di Kecamatan Pulau Ternate
S Suparman, N Jusuf, N Papuangan
Seminar Nasional Penerapan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi 1 (1), 239-244, 2017
Potensi cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum) varietas Afo sebagai larvasida alami nyamuk Anopheles subpictus dan Aedes aegypti
DM Taher, N Nurhasanah, N Papuangan
Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia, PROS SEM NAS MASY BIODIV INDON 1 (6 …, 2015
Studi Literasi Taksonomi dan Penelusuran Spesimen Lektotipe Cengkih (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry)
S Suparman, N Nurhasanah, B Bahtiar, DAS Sri
Techno: Jurnal Penelitian 9 (1), 363-371, 2020
Pendampingan pembuatan hand sanitizer berbasis kearifan lokal (ekstrak tangkai bunga cengkeh)
S Sundari, DM Taher, N Nurhasanah, A Mas' ud, S Hasan
ABSYARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masayarakat 1 (2), 49-55, 2020
The Depiction of Coconut Products (Food and Non-Food) In Tidore Islands, North Maluku
N Nurhasanah, A Wulansari, H Rasulu, S Tjokrodiningrat, J Fahri, ...
International Journal on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources 2 (3), 1-4, 2021
Endophytic Mycoflora from Mace and Seed of Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) as a Source of Antifungal Compounds
Nurhasanah, M Rafly, N Papuangan
5th International Conference on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources …, 2020
Update phylogenetic information of the local varieties of cloves (Syzygium aromaticum) from North Maluku, Indonesia based on ITS sequences data
S SUNDARI, N NURHASANAH, A MAS’UD, M Amin, EL Arumingtyas, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (6), 2019
The First Report on the Application of ISSR Markers in Genetic Variance Detection among Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) Accession in North Maluku Province …
Nurhasanah, R Hindersah, T Suganda, V Concibido, Sundari, ...
Horticulturae 9 (9), 1059, 2023
Feasibility Analysis for The Development of Integrated Coconut Industry in Tidore Islands, North Maluku
A Wulansari, H Rasulu, S Tjokrodiningrat, N Daud, J Fahri, S Suwito, ...
International Journal on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources 4 (1), 23-26, 2023
Early Listening Skill on Lesson Study-Based Activities
F Samad, R Wondal, Nurhasanah
Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 6 (3), 1930-1937, 2022
Pemanfaatan tanaman herbal sebagai phytobiotik pada kelompok peternak broiler di desa akekolano kecamatan oba utara untuk mendorong ketersediaan daging broiler organik di …
Y Sapsuha, N Nurhasanah, I Rodianawati, H Ishak
Edupreneur: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat bidang Kewirausahaan 1 (2), 2018
Perbandingan Pengaplikasian Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) dan Madu Sebagai Kosmetik Creambath untuk Perawatan Rambut Kering
N Nurhasanah
Universitas Negeri Padang, 2023
Potential development of poultry feed industry in Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku Province
N Nurhasanah, S Fatmona, J Fahri, I Hidayanti, Y Sapsuha
Agrikan Jurnal Agribisnis Perikanan 15 (1), 69-75, 2022
Pelatihan Inovasi Teknologi Briket dari Tempurung Kenari Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Kelurahan Tarau di Pulau Ternate
S Sundari, N Nurhasanah, N Papuangan, I Husen, A Mas’ud
Jurnal Abdidas 2 (6), 1281-1288, 2021
Lesson learnt of the lesson study for learning community as the learning innovation in the 21st century for student
A Haerullah, A Mas’ud, N Nurhasanah, S Sundari
AIP Conference Proceedings 2194 (1), 2019
Genetic variability of Ornithoptera croesus toeantei endemic butterfly in Morotai island, based on morphology and molecular.
A Mas' ud, Sundari, Nurhasanah, C Roini, M Amin, F Rohman, Alisi
Journal of Entomology 16 (3), 82-90, 2019
Prospects and problems the amplification of DNA metagenomic from clove plant collected from plantation community in ternate island
N Nurhasanah, S Sundari, N Papuangan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1146 (1), 012031, 2019
Diversity And Mapping Clove Varieties (Syzygium Aromaticum) on Hiri Island, in Ternate Municipality
B Bahtiar, N Jusuf, SS DAS, S Suparman
IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science 11 (8), 11-16, 2018
Kapang Kontaminan Pada Ikan Toreh (Hyporhamphus affinis) yang dijual di Pasar Tradisional Kota Ternate Maluku Utara
Biogenesis: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi 6 (2), 75-79, 2018
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