Haykel Elabidi
Haykel Elabidi
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Electron impact broadening of spectral lines in Be-like ions: quantum calculations
H Elabidi, NB Nessib, M Cornille, J Dubau, S Sahal-Bréchot
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41 (2), 025702, 2008
Quantum mechanical calculations of the electron-impact broadening of spectral lines for intermediate coupling
H Elabidi, NB Nessib, S Sahal-Bréchot
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37 (1), 63, 2003
Quantum Stark broadening of 3s–3p spectral lines in Li-like ions; Z-scaling and comparison with semi-classical perturbation theory
H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot, N Ben Nessib
The European Physical Journal D 54, 51-64, 2009
Checking the dependence on the upper level ionization potential of electron impact widths using quantum calculations
H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot
The European Physical Journal D 61, 285-290, 2011
Quantum Stark broadening of Ar XV lines. Strong collision and quadrupolar potential contributions
H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević
Advances in Space Research 54 (7), 1184-1189, 2014
Quantum Stark broadening data for the C iv, N v, O vi, F vii and Ne viii resonance doublets
H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević, N Ben Nessib
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 417 (4), 2624-2630, 2011
Fine structure collision strengths for S VII lines
H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot, NB Nessib
Physica Scripta 85 (6), 065302, 2012
Quantum and semiclassical stark widths for Ar VII spectral lines
R Aloui, H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot, MS Dimitrijević
Atoms 6 (2), 20, 2018
Quantum Stark broadening data for Ar viii and Ar ix lines
R Aloui, H Elabidi, R Hamdi, S Sahal-Bréchot
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (4), 4801-4810, 2019
Quantum mechanical Stark widths for Ar v and Ar vi lines: scaling with temperature
H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 480 (1), 697-706, 2018
Stark broadening for Br VI and Kr V-VII lines in hot star atmospheres
S Sahal-Bréchot, H Elabidi
Astronomy & Astrophysics 652, A47, 2021
Radiative, collisional atomic and Stark broadening data for Ar XII and Ar XIV ions: Quantum mechanical calculations
R Aloui, H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 239, 106675, 2019
Excitation cross-sections by electron impact for O v and O vi levels
H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 436 (2), 1452-1464, 2013
Electron impact broadening of multicharged ion lines of astrophysical interest: Ne VII, Ne VIII and Si XI
H Elabidi, NB Nessib, MS Dimitrijević
New Astronomy 12 (1), 64-70, 2006
Electron impact excitation for Ar VI
H Elabidi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 397 (1), 012055, 2012
Radiative and collisional atomic data for neon-like silicon
NB Nessib, H Elabidi, M Cornille, J Dubau
Physica Scripta 72 (1), 23, 2005
Electron impact broadening of Si IV spectral lines: Comparison with recent experiments
H Elabidi, NB Nessib, S Sahal-Bréchot
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 113 (12), 1606-1611, 2012
Sr vvi line widths in hot white dwarf atmospheres
R Aloui, H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512 (2), 1598-1607, 2022
Stark broadening of spectral lines for zirconium ions Zr ivvi in hot white dwarf atmospheres
H Elabidi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 503 (4), 5730-5739, 2021
Stark line widths for N-like ions Na v, Mg vi, Al vii, and Si viii. Z–scaling
H Elabidi, S Sahal-Bréchot
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 484 (1), 1072-1078, 2019
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