Ellen Peeters
Ellen Peeters
Assistant Professor, TIAS School for Business & Society, Netherlands
在 tias.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Defining perceived employability: a psychological approach
D Vanhercke, N De Cuyper, E Peeters, H De Witte
Personnel Review 43 (4), 592-605, 2014
Employability capital: A conceptual framework tested through expert analysis
E Peeters, J Nelissen, N De Cuyper, A Forrier, M Verbruggen, H De Witte
Journal of Career Development 46 (2), 79-93, 2019
The Only Constant Is Change? Movement Capital and Perceived Employability
ER Peeters, J Akkermans, N De Cuyper
Journal of Career Assessment 28 (4), 674-692, 2020
Developing intrapreneurial self-efficacy through internships? Investigating agency and structure factors
J Deprez, ER Peeters, MJ Gorgievski
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 27 (5), 1166-1188, 2021
Dust yourself off and try again: The positive process of career changes or shocks and career resilience
ER Peeters, MCJ Caniëls, M Verbruggen
Career Development International 27 (3), 372-390, 2022
The effect of self-scheduling on organizational justice and work attitudes through leader-member exchange: A cross-sectional study using propensity scores
H Wynendaele, P Gemmel, E Peeters, D Myny, J Trybou
International Journal of Nursing Studies 122, 104032, 2021
Social capital, power and information sharing–evidence from the Dutch meat processing industry
CJ Gelderman, J Semeijn, F Ter Avest, E Peeters
British Food Journal 122 (11), 3343-3360, 2020
Too employable to feel well? Curvilinear relationship between perceived employability and employee optimal functioning
ER Peeters, N De Cuyper, H De Witte
Psihologia Resurselor Umane 14 (1), 35-44, 2016
Differences in work attitudes when nurses get their ideal roster based on their shift preferences
H Wynendaele, J Trybou, P Gemmel, D Myny, E Peeters
81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2021
An organizational design perspective on the monthly self‐scheduling process in nursing homes: A multiple case study
H Wynendaele, P Gemmel, E Peeters, D Myny, J Trybou
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2023
Career Characteristics and Career Resilience
ERR Peeters, M Verbruggen, MCJ Caniels
European Association of Occupational Health Psychology: Adapting to rapid …, 2018
Het motivationele proces van het Job Demands-Resources Model bij vrijwillig en onvrijwillig ontslagen werknemers tijdens de opzegtermijn
E Peeters, B Van de Ven, N De Cuyper, P Vlerick, DW Hans
GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE 27 (2), 213-231, 2014
The nonlinear relation between perceived employability and emotional exhaustion
E Peeters, N De Cuyper, H De Witte
Conference European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Date: 2012/04 …, 2012
Human Resource Management van UITSTROOM: De weg naar verantwoord ontslag met een kleinere impact
E Peeters
ACCO Uitgeverij, 2020
Psychological Needs Thwarting and Sustainable Careers
M Wooning, ERR Peeters, MCJ Caniels, JH Semeijn
Self-Determination Theory Conference 2019, 2019
Age and employability: a polynomial test of age-related stereotyping
ERR Peeters, JH Semeijn, B van der Heijden
19th EAWOP Congress: Working for the greater good: Inspiring people …, 2019
Workplace age-related discrimination from a grounded theory approach
M Wooning, ERR Peeters, JH Semeijn, MCJ Caniels
19th EAWOP Congress: Working for the greater good: Inspiring people …, 2019
Branching out: If you're feeling like it's time to breathe new life into your career, you're not alone
LA Thompson, ERR Peeters
The Bulletin, 23-26, 2019
The impact of social capital and power on information sharing
C Gelderman, ERR Peeters, J Semeijn, F ter Avest
Annual International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research …, 2018
Education Forum: Academy Fora: Update
B Greiner, M Karanika-Murray, E Peeters
The Occupational Health Psychologist 15 (2), 16-17, 2018
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