Soonil Lee
Modified phase diagram for the barium oxide–titanium dioxide system for the ferroelectric barium titanate
S Lee, CA Randall, ZK Liu
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (8), 2589-2594, 2007
Ferroelectric-thermoelectricity and Mott transition of ferroelectric oxides with high electronic conductivity
S Lee, JA Bock, S Trolier-McKinstry, CA Randall
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32 (16), 3971-3988, 2012
Influence of nonstoichiometry on ferroelectric phase transition in BaTiO3
S Lee, ZK Liu, MH Kim, CA Randall
Journal of Applied Physics 101 (5), 2007
SrxBa1− xNb2O6− δ Ferroelectric-thermoelectrics: Crystal anisotropy, conduction mechanism, and power factor
S Lee, RHT Wilke, S Trolier-McKinstry, S Zhang, CA Randall
Applied Physics Letters 96 (3), 2010
Thermopower in highly reduced -type ferroelectric and related perovskite oxides and the role of heterogeneous nonstoichiometry
S Lee, G Yang, RHT Wilke, S Trolier-McKinstry, CA Randall
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (13), 134110, 2009
Effect of local oxygen activity on Ni–BaTiO3 interfacial reactions
GY Yang, SI Lee, ZJ Liu, CJ Anthony, EC Dickey, ZK Liu, CA Randall
Acta materialia 54 (13), 3513-3523, 2006
Enhancing thermoelectric performances of bismuth antimony telluride via synergistic combination of multiscale structuring and band alignment by FeTe2 incorporation
WH Shin, JW Roh, B Ryu, HJ Chang, HS Kim, S Lee, WS Seo, K Ahn
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (4), 3689-3698, 2018
Composite ionic conducting electrolytes
A Baker, NJ Donnelly, E Dorjpalam, S Lee, M Mirsaneh, W Qu, ...
US Patent App. 13/506,239, 2013
Local structure of Ba(Ti,Zr)O perovskite-like solid solutions and its relation to the band-gap behavior
I Levin, E Cockayne, V Krayzman, JC Woicik, S Lee, CA Randall
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (9), 094122, 2011
Enhanced thermoelectric performance of reduced graphene oxide incorporated bismuth-antimony-telluride by lattice thermal conductivity reduction
WH Shin, K Ahn, M Jeong, JS Yoon, JM Song, S Lee, WS Seo, YS Lim
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 718, 342-348, 2017
Band-gap nonlinearity in perovskite structured solid solutions
S Lee, RD Levi, W Qu, SC Lee, CA Randall
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2), 2010
Crystal and defect chemistry influences on band gap trends in alkaline earth perovskites
S Lee, WH Woodford, CA Randall
Applied Physics Letters 92 (20), 2008
Oxygen vacancy revived phonon-glass electron-crystal in SrTiO3
JU Rahman, WH Nam, N Van Du, G Rahman, AU Rahman, WH Shin, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2-3), 358-365, 2019
Ultralow Lattice Thermal Conductivity and Significantly Enhanced Near-Room-Temperature Thermoelectric Figure of Merit in α-Cu2Se through Suppressed Cu …
JY Tak, WH Nam, C Lee, S Kim, YS Lim, K Ko, S Lee, WS Seo, HK Cho, ...
Chemistry of Materials 30 (10), 3276-3284, 2018
Thermoelectric power factor enhancement of textured ferroelectric SrxBa1-x Nb2O6-δ ceramics
S Lee, S Dursun, C Duran, CA Randall
Journal of Materials Research 26, 26-30, 2011
Influence of Nonstoichiometry on Extrinsic Electrical Conduction and Microwave Dielectric Loss of BaCo1/3Nb2/3O3 Ceramics
M Li, A Feteira, M Mirsaneh, S Lee, MT Lanagan, CA Randall, DC Sinclair
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 93 (12), 4087-4095, 2010
A modified Vegard’s law for multisite occupancy of Ca in BaTiO3–CaTiO3 solid solutions
S Lee, CA Randall
Applied Physics Letters 92 (11), 2008
Grain Boundary Interfaces Controlled by Reduced Graphene Oxide in Nonstoichiometric SrTiO3-δ Thermoelectrics
JU Rahman, NV Du, WH Nam, WH Shin, KH Lee, WS Seo, MH Kim, S Lee
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8624, 2019
Less temperature-dependent high dielectric and energy-storage properties of eco-friendly BiFeO3–BaTiO3-based ceramics
F Akram, J Kim, SA Khan, A Zeb, HG Yeo, YS Sung, TK Song, MH Kim, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 818, 152878, 2020
A gigantically increased ratio of electrical to thermal conductivity and synergistically enhanced thermoelectric properties in interface-controlled TiO 2–RGO nanocomposites
WH Nam, YS Lim, W Kim, HK Seo, KS Dae, S Lee, WS Seo, JY Lee
Nanoscale 9 (23), 7830-7838, 2017
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