Adam Jeziorski
Adam Jeziorski
Research Scientist, Queen's University
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The widespread threat of calcium decline in fresh waters
A Jeziorski, ND Yan, AM Paterson, AM DeSellas, MA Turner, DS Jeffries, ...
science 322 (5906), 1374-1377, 2008
Establishing reliable minimum count sizes for cladoceran subfossils sampled from lake sediments
J Kurek, JB Korosi, A Jeziorski, JP Smol
Journal of Paleolimnology 44, 603-612, 2010
Holocene environmental change at Lake Njulla (999 m asl), northern Sweden: a comparison with four small nearby lakes alongan altitudinal gradient
C Bigler, E Grahn, I Larocque, A Jeziorski, R Hall
Journal of Paleolimnology 29, 13-29, 2003
Species identity and aqueous calcium concentrations as determinants of calcium concentrations of freshwater crustacean zooplankton
A Jeziorski, ND Yan
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (5), 1007-1013, 2006
The jellification of north temperate lakes
A Jeziorski, AJ Tanentzap, ND Yan, AM Paterson, ME Palmer, JB Korosi, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1798), 20142449, 2015
Climate change and Saharan dust drive recent cladoceran and primary production changes in remote alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada, Spain
L Jiménez, KM Rühland, A Jeziorski, JP Smol, C Pérez‐Martínez
Global change biology 24 (1), e139-e158, 2018
Elevated metal concentrations inhibit biological recovery of C ladocera in previously acidified boreal lakes
AL Labaj, J Kurek, A Jeziorski, JP Smol
Freshwater Biology 60 (2), 347-359, 2015
The ecological impacts of lakewater calcium decline on softwater boreal ecosystems
A Jeziorski, JP Smol
Environmental Reviews 25 (2), 245-253, 2017
Crustacean zooplankton sedimentary remains from calcium-poor lakes: complex responses to threshold concentrations
A Jeziorski, AM Paterson, JP Smol
Aquatic Sciences 74, 121-131, 2012
A multi-trophic exploratory survey of recent environmental changes using lake sediments in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Ontario, Canada
KM Rühland, KE Hargan, A Jeziorski, AM Paterson, W Keller, JP Smol
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 46 (1), 139-158, 2014
Changes since the onset of acid deposition among calcium-sensitive cladoceran taxa within softwater lakes of Ontario, Canada
A Jeziorski, AM Paterson, JP Smol
Journal of Paleolimnology 48, 323-337, 2012
Long-term trends in cladoceran assemblages related to acidification and subsequent liming of Middle Lake (Sudbury, Canada)
AL Labaj, A Jeziorski, J Kurek, JP Smol
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225, 1-10, 2014
Managing lake trout lakes in a warming world: a paleolimnological assessment of nutrients and lake production at three Ontario sites
C Nelligan, A Jeziorski, KM Rühland, AM Paterson, JP Smol
Lake and Reservoir Management 32 (4), 315-328, 2016
Calcium content of littoral Cladocera in three softwater lakes of the Canadian Shield
M Shapiera, A Jeziorski, ND Yan, JP Smol
Hydrobiologia 678, 77-83, 2011
The influence of calcium decline and climate change on the cladocerans within low calcium, circumneutral lakes of the experimental lakes area
A Jeziorski, AM Paterson, I Watson, BF Cumming, JP Smol
Hydrobiologia 722, 129-142, 2014
Using morphological characters of subfossil daphniid postabdominal claws to improve taxonomic resolution within species complexes
JB Korosi, A Jeziorski, JP Smol
Hydrobiologia 676, 117-128, 2011
Aquatic ecosystem responses to rapid recovery from extreme acidification and metal contamination in lakes near Wawa, Ontario
A Jeziorski, B Keller, AM Paterson, CM Greenaway, JP Smol
Ecosystems 16, 209-223, 2013
Diatoms indicate that calcium decline, not acidification, explains recent cladoceran assemblage changes in south-central Ontario softwater lakes
JL Barrow, A Jeziorski, KM Rühland, KR Hadley, JP Smol
Journal of paleolimnology 52, 61-75, 2014
Cladoceran response to calcium decline and the subsequent inadvertent liming of a softwater Canadian lake
M Shapiera, A Jeziorski, AM Paterson, JP Smol
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223, 2437-2446, 2012
Long-term trends in hypolimnetic volumes and dissolved oxygen concentrations in Boreal Shield lakes of south-central Ontario, Canada
C Nelligan, A Jeziorski, KM Rühland, AM Paterson, JP Smol
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76 (12), 2315-2325, 2019
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