Matthew J. Wargo
Matthew J. Wargo
在 uvm.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Estimating metazoan divergence times with a molecular clock
KJ Peterson, JB Lyons, KS Nowak, CM Takacs, MJ Wargo, MA McPeek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (17), 6536-6541, 2004
Fungal—bacterial interactions: a mixed bag of mingling microbes
MJ Wargo, DA Hogan
Current opinion in microbiology 9 (4), 359-364, 2006
Growth and Laboratory Maintenance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
AE LaBauve, MJ Wargo
Current protocols in microbiology 25 (1), 6E. 1.1-6E. 1.8, 2012
IL-6 is required for airway mucus production induced by inhaled fungal allergens
WA Neveu, JB Allard, O Dienz, MJ Wargo, G Ciliberto, LA Whittaker, ...
The Journal of Immunology 183 (3), 1732-1738, 2009
Homeostasis and catabolism of choline and glycine betaine: lessons from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
MJ Wargo
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (7), 2112-2120, 2013
Carnitine in bacterial physiology and metabolism
JA Meadows, MJ Wargo
Microbiology 161 (Pt_6), 1161-1174, 2015
Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms perturb wound resolution and antibiotic tolerance in diabetic mice
C Watters, K DeLeon, U Trivedi, JA Griswold, M Lyte, KJ Hampel, ...
Medical microbiology and immunology 202, 131-141, 2013
Asymmetry of the central apparatus defines the location of active microtubule sliding in Chlamydomonas flagella
MJ Wargo, EF Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (1), 137-142, 2003
Identification of Two Gene Clusters and a Transcriptional Regulator Required for Pseudomonas aeruginosa Glycine Betaine Catabolism
MJ Wargo, BS Szwergold, DA Hogan
Journal of bacteriology 190 (8), 2690-2699, 2008
Detecting bacterial lung infections: in vivo evaluation of in vitro volatile fingerprints
J Zhu, HD Bean, MJ Wargo, LW Leclair, JE Hill
Journal of breath research 7 (1), 016003, 2013
Inhibition of High-Mobility Group Box 1 Protein (HMGB1) Enhances Bacterial Clearance and Protects against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pneumonia in Cystic …
M Entezari, DJ Weiss, R Sitapara, L Whittaker, MJ Wargo, JH Li, H Wang, ...
Molecular medicine 18, 477-485, 2012
The ATP‐binding cassette transporter Cbc (choline/betaine/carnitine) recruits multiple substrate‐binding proteins with strong specificity for distinct quaternary ammonium compounds
C Chen, AA Malek, MJ Wargo, DA Hogan, GA Beattie
Molecular microbiology 75 (1), 29-45, 2010
Hemolytic phospholipase C inhibition protects lung function during Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
MJ Wargo, MJ Gross, S Rajamani, JL Allard, LKA Lundblad, GB Allen, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 184 (3), 345-354, 2011
Calmodulin and PF6 are components of a complex that localizes to the C1 microtubule of the flagellar central apparatus
MJ Wargo, EE Dymek, EF Smith
Journal of cell science 118 (20), 4655-4665, 2005
Step-wise loss of bacterial flagellar torsion confers progressive phagocytic evasion
RR Lovewell, RM Collins, JL Acker, GA O'Toole, MJ Wargo, B Berwin
PLoS pathogens 7 (9), e1002253, 2011
Detection of Host-Derived Sphingosine by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Is Important for Survival in the Murine Lung
AE LaBauve, MJ Wargo
PLoS pathogens 10 (1), e1003889, 2014
GbdR Regulates Pseudomonas aeruginosa plcH and pchP Transcription in Response to Choline Catabolites
MJ Wargo, TC Ho, MJ Gross, LA Whittaker, DA Hogan
Infection and immunity 77 (3), 1103-1111, 2009
Identification of genes required for Pseudomonas aeruginosa carnitine catabolism
MJ Wargo, DA Hogan
Microbiology 155 (7), 2411-2419, 2009
The role of leptin in the development of pulmonary neutrophilia in infection and acute lung injury
ND Ubags, JH Vernooy, E Burg, C Hayes, J Bement, E Dilli, L Zabeau, ...
Critical care medicine 42 (2), e143-e151, 2014
Fungal allergen β-glucans trigger p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase–mediated IL-6 translation in lung epithelial cells
WA Neveu, E Bernardo, JL Allard, V Nagaleekar, MJ Wargo, RJ Davis, ...
American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 45 (6), 1133-1141, 2011
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