Nikita Dovidchenko
Nikita Dovidchenko
在 phys.protres.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
How to determine the size of folding nuclei of protofibrils from the concentration dependence of the rate and lag-time of aggregation. I. Modeling the amyloid protofibril formation
NV Dovidchenko, AV Finkelstein, OV Galzitskaya
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (5), 1189-1197, 2014
One of the possible mechanisms of amyloid fibrils formation based on the sizes of primary and secondary folding nuclei of Aβ40 and Aβ42
NV Dovidchenko, AV Glyakina, OM Selivanova, EI Grigorashvili, ...
Journal of structural biology 194 (3), 404-414, 2016
Mechanisms of amyloid fibril formation
NV Dovidchenko, EI Leonova, OV Galzitskaya
Biochemistry (Moscow) 79, 1515-1527, 2014
The mechanism underlying amyloid polymorphism is opened for Alzheimer’s disease amyloid-β peptide
OM Selivanova, AK Surin, VV Marchenkov, UF Dzhus, EI Grigorashvili, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 54 (2), 821-830, 2016
How to determine the size of folding nuclei of protofibrils from the concentration dependence of the rate and lag-time of aggregation. II. Experimental application for insulin …
OM Selivanova, MY Suvorina, NV Dovidchenko, IA Eliseeva, AK Surin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (5), 1198-1206, 2014
Structural model of amyloid fibrils for amyloidogenic peptide from Bgl2p–glucantransferase of S. cerevisiae cell wall and its modifying analog. New morphology of amyloid fibrils
OM Selivanova, AV Glyakina, EY Gorbunova, LG Mustaeva, MY Suvorina, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1864 (11), 1489-1499, 2016
Smooth muscle titin forms in vitro amyloid aggregates
AG Bobylev, OV Galzitskaya, RS Fadeev, LG Bobyleva, DA Yurshenas, ...
Bioscience reports 36 (3), e00334, 2016
Computational approaches to identification of aggregation sites and the mechanism of amyloid growth
NV Dovidchenko, OV Galzitskaya
Lipids in Protein Misfolding, 213-239, 2015
Insulin and lispro insulin: what is common and different in their behavior?
O M Selivanova, M Yu Suvorina, A K Surin, N V Dovidchenko, ...
Current Protein and Peptide Science 18 (1), 57-64, 2017
A novel web server predicts amino acid residue protection against hydrogen–deuterium exchange
MY Lobanov, MY Suvorina, NV Dovidchenko, IV Sokolovskiy, AK Surin, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (11), 1375-1381, 2013
Determination of size of folding nuclei of fibrils formed from recombinant Aβ (1-40) peptide
EI Grigorashvili, OM Selivanova, NV Dovidchenko, UF Dzhus, ...
Biochemistry (Moscow) 81, 538-547, 2016
Prediction of amino acid residues protected from hydrogen-deuterium exchange in a protein chain
NV Dovidchenko, MY Lobanov, SO Garbuzynskiy, OV Galzitskaya
Biochemistry (Moscow) 74, 888-897, 2009
Prediction of Residue Status to Be Protected or Not Protected From Hy-drogen Exchange Using Amino Acid Sequence Only
NV Dovidchenko, OV Galzitskaya
The Open Biochemistry Journal 2, 77, 2008
Prediction of loop regions in protein sequence
NV Dovidchenko, NS Bogatyreva, OV Galzitskaya
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 6 (05), 1035-1047, 2008
Prediction of number and position of domain boundaries in multi-domain proteins by use of amino acid sequence alone
NV Dovidchenko, M Yu Lobanov, OV Galzitskaya
Current Protein and Peptide Science 8 (2), 189-195, 2007
Intensive protein synthesis in neurons and phosphorylation of beta-amyloid precursor protein and tau-protein are triggering factors of neuronal amyloidosis and Alzheimer’s disease
AV Maltsev, NV Dovidchenko, VK Uteshev, VV Sokolik, OM Shtang, ...
Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry 7, 278-293, 2013
Comparison of experimental and theoretical data on hydrogen-deuterium exchange for ten globular proteins
MY Suvorina, AK Surin, NV Dovidchenko, MY Lobanov, OV Galzitskaya
Biochemistry (Moscow) 77, 616-623, 2012
What is Responsible for Atypical Dependence of the Rate of Amyloid Formation on Protein Concentration: Fibril-Catalyzed Initiation of New Fibrils or Competition with Oligomers?
AV Finkelstein, NV Dovidchenko, OV Galzitskaya
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (5), 1002-1006, 2018
Prediction of protein domain boundaries from statistics of appearance of amino acid residues
OV Galzitskaya, NV Dovidchenko, MY Lobanov, SO Garbuzynskiy
Molecular Biology 40, 96-106, 2006
The Strategies of Development of New Non-Toxic Inhibitors of Amyloid Formation
OV Galzitskaya, SY Grishin, AV Glyakina, NV Dovidchenko, ...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (4), 3781, 2023
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