Alex Mira
Alex Mira
Investigador senior (Fundación FISABIO)
在 gva.es 的电子邮件经过验证
The human milk microbiome changes over lactation and is shaped by maternal weight and mode of delivery
R Cabrera-Rubio, MC Collado, K Laitinen, S Salminen, E Isolauri, A Mira
The American journal of clinical nutrition 96 (3), 544-551, 2012
Deletional bias and the evolution of bacterial genomes
A Mira, H Ochman, NA Moran
TRENDS in Genetics 17 (10), 589-596, 2001
Explaining microbial population genomics through phage predation
F Rodriguez-Valera, AB Martin-Cuadrado, B Rodriguez-Brito, L Pasic, ...
Nature Precedings, 1-1, 2009
Solving the etiology of dental caries
A Simón-Soro, A Mira
Trends in microbiology 23 (2), 76-82, 2015
The oral metagenome in health and disease
P Belda-Ferre, LD Alcaraz, R Cabrera-Rubio, H Romero, A Simon-Soro, ...
The ISME journal 6 (1), 46-56, 2012
Role of microbial biofilms in the maintenance of oral health and in the development of dental caries and periodontal diseases. Consensus report of group 1 of the Joint EFP/ORCA …
M Sanz, D Beighton, MA Curtis, JA Cury, I Dige, H Dommisch, R Ellwood, ...
Journal of clinical periodontology 44, S5-S11, 2017
Viral and microbial community dynamics in four aquatic environments
B Rodriguez-Brito, LL Li, L Wegley, M Furlan, F Angly, M Breitbart, ...
The ISME journal 4 (6), 739-751, 2010
Resilience of the oral microbiota in health: mechanisms that prevent dysbiosis
BT Rosier, PD Marsh, A Mira
Journal of dental research 97 (4), 371-380, 2018
The process of genome shrinkage in the obligate symbiont Buchnera aphidicola
NA Moran, A Mira
Genome biology 2, 1-12, 2001
Dental caries from a molecular microbiological perspective
B Nyvad, W Crielaard, A Mira, N Takahashi, D Beighton
Caries research 47 (2), 89-102, 2013
Microbial geography of the oral cavity
A Simón-Soro, I Tomás, R Cabrera-Rubio, MD Catalan, B Nyvad, A Mira
Journal of dental research 92 (7), 616-621, 2013
Role of microbial communities in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases and caries
A Mira, A Simon‐Soro, MA Curtis
Journal of clinical periodontology 44, S23-S38, 2017
Microbial mucosal colonic shifts associated with the development of colorectal cancer reveal the presence of different bacterial and archaeal biomarkers
L Mira-Pascual, R Cabrera-Rubio, S Ocon, P Costales, A Parra, A Suarez, ...
Journal of gastroenterology 50, 167-179, 2015
Relationship between milk microbiota, bacterial load, macronutrients, and human cells during lactation
A Boix-Amorós, MC Collado, A Mira
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 492, 2016
Estimating population size and transmission bottlenecks in maternally transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria
A Mira, NA Moran
Microbial Ecology 44, 137-143, 2002
The bacterial pan-genome: a new paradigm in microbiology
A Mira, AB Martín-Cuadrado, G D’Auria, F Rodríguez-Valera
Int Microbiol 13 (2), 45-57, 2010
Microbiome diversity in the bronchial tracts of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
R Cabrera-Rubio, M Garcia-Núñez, L Setó, JM Antó, A Moya, E Monsó, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 50 (11), 3562-3568, 2012
Microbiological survey of the human gastric ecosystem using culturing and pyrosequencing methods
S Delgado, R Cabrera-Rubio, A Mira, A Suárez, B Mayo
Microbial ecology 65, 763-772, 2013
Oral microbiome development during childhood: an ecological succession influenced by postnatal factors and associated with tooth decay
M Dzidic, MC Collado, T Abrahamsson, A Artacho, M Stensson, ...
The ISME journal 12 (9), 2292-2306, 2018
Subgingival microbiota in health compared to periodontitis and the influence of smoking
AJ Camelo-Castillo, A Mira, A Pico, L Nibali, B Henderson, N Donos, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 119, 2015
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