Ryoko Nakata
Ryoko Nakata
在 eps.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Non-volcanic tremor resulting from the combined effect of Earth tides and slow slip events
R Nakata, N Suda, H Tsuruoka
Nature Geoscience 1 (10), 676-678, 2008
A slip pulse model with fault heterogeneity for low‐frequency earthquakes and tremor along plate interfaces
R Ando, R Nakata, T Hori
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (10), 2010
Rapid mantle flow with power-law creep explains deformation after the 2011 Tohoku mega-quake
R Agata, SD Barbot, K Fujita, M Hyodo, T Iinuma, R Nakata, T Ichimura, ...
Nature Communications 10 (1), 1385, 2019
Generation mechanism of slow earthquakes: Numerical analysis based on a dynamic model with brittle‐ductile mixed fault heterogeneity
R Nakata, R Ando, T Hori, S Ide
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 116 (B8), 2011
Migration process of very low-frequency events based on a chain-reaction model and its application to the detection of preseismic slip for megathrust earthquakes
K Ariyoshi, T Matsuzawa, JP Ampuero, R Nakata, T Hori, Y Kaneda, ...
Earth, planets and space 64, 693-702, 2012
The detectability of shallow slow earthquakes by the Dense Oceanfloor Network system for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (DONET) in Tonankai district, Japan
K Ariyoshi, R Nakata, T Matsuzawa, R Hino, T Hori, A Hasegawa, ...
Marine Geophysical Research 35, 295-310, 2014
Synchronous changes in the seismicity rate and ocean-bottom hydrostatic pressures along the Nankai trough: A possible slow slip event detected by the Dense Oceanfloor Network …
K Suzuki, M Nakano, N Takahashi, T Hori, S Kamiya, E Araki, R Nakata, ...
Tectonophysics 680, 90-98, 2016
Possible scenarios for occurrence of M~ 7 interplate earthquakes prior to and following the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake based on numerical simulation
R Nakata, T Hori, M Hyodo, K Ariyoshi
Scientific reports 6 (1), 25704, 2016
Discontinuous boundaries of slow slip events beneath the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan
R Nakata, H Hino, T Kuwatani, S Yoshioka, M Okada, T Hori
Scientific reports 7 (1), 6129, 2017
An automatic monitoring system for nonvolcanic tremors in southwest Japan
N Suda, R Nakata, T Kusumi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B11), 2009
Numerical simulation of afterslips and slow slip events that occurred in the same area in Hyuga-nada of southwest Japan
R Nakata, M Hyodo, T Hori
Geophysical Journal International 190 (2), 1213-1220, 2012
Earthquake forecasting system based on sequential data assimilation of slip on the plate boundary
T Hori, S Miyazaki, M Hyodo, R Nakata, Y Kaneda
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan 62, 179-189, 2014
Presence of interplate channel layer controls of slip during and after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake through the frictional characteristics
R Nakata, T Hori, S Miura, R Hino
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 6480, 2021
Rapid mantle flow with power-law creep explains deformation after the 2011 Tohoku mega-quake. Nat Commun 10: 1385
R Agata, SD Barbot, K Fujita, M Hyodo, T Iinuma, R Nakata, T Ichimura, ...
Geodetic inversion for spatial distribution of slip under smoothness, discontinuity, and sparsity constraints
R Nakata, T Kuwatani, M Okada, T Hori
Earth, Planets and Space 68, 1-10, 2016
A trial derivation of seismic plate coupling by focusing on the activity of shallow slow earthquakes
K Ariyoshi, T Matsuzawa, R Hino, A Hasegawa, T Hori, R Nakata, ...
Earth, Planets and Space 66, 1-11, 2014
Possible slip history scenarios for the Hyuga‐nada region and Bungo Channel and their relationship with Nankai earthquakes in southwest Japan based on numerical simulations
R Nakata, M Hyodo, T Hori
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (6), 4787-4801, 2014
A forecasting procedure for plate boundary earthquakes based on sequential data assimilation
T Hori, M Hyodo, R Nakata, S Miyazaki, Y Kaneda
Oceanography 27 (2), 94-102, 2014
Rapid mantle flow with power-law creep explains deformation after the 2011 Tohoku mega-quake. Nat Commun 10 (1): 1385
R Agata, SD Barbot, K Fujita, M Hyodo, T Iinuma, R Nakata, T Ichimura, ...
DOI, 2019
Bayesian multi‐model estimation of fault slip distribution for slow slip events in southwest Japan: Effects of prior constraints and uncertain underground structure
R Agata, R Nakata, A Kasahara, Y Yagi, Y Seshimo, S Yoshioka, T Iinuma
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (8), e2021JB023712, 2022
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