Ekonomia sektora publicznego JE Stiglitz, R Rapacki, B Czarny, PD Graca-Gelert, P Maszczyk, ... Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2015 | 1331 | 2015 |
The impact of the financial system on economic growth in the context of the global crisis: empirical evidence for the EU and OECD countries M Prochniak, K Wasiak Empirica 44, 295-337, 2017 | 193 | 2017 |
Determinants of economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe: the global crisis perspective M Prochniak Post-communist economies 23 (4), 449-468, 2011 | 167 | 2011 |
Real economic convergence in the EU accession countries Z Matkowski, M Prochniak Prace i Materiały Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH, 258-284, 2004 | 135 | 2004 |
Economic convergence between the CEE-8 and the European Union Z Matkowski, M Próchniak Eastern European Economics 45 (1), 59-76, 2007 | 124 | 2007 |
The EU enlargement and economic growth in the CEE new member countries R Rapacki, M Prochniak European Economy-Economic Papers 2008-2015, 2009 | 123 | 2009 |
Real beta and sigma convergence in 27 transition countries, 1990–2005 R Rapacki, M Próchniak Post-Communist Economies 21 (3), 307-326, 2009 | 115 | 2009 |
Time stability of the beta convergence among EU countries: Bayesian model averaging perspective M Próchniak, B Witkowski Economic Modelling 30, 322-333, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
Convergence analysis among the ten European transition economies B Vojinović, S Acharya, M Próchniak Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 123-141, 2009 | 93 | 2009 |
EU enlargement and real economic convergence B Vojinović, ŽJ Oplotnik, M Próchniak Post-Communist Economies 22 (3), 303-322, 2010 | 72 | 2010 |
Ekonomia w ochronie zdrowia S Morris, NJ Devlin, D Parkin, E Nojszewska, M Próchniak, P Ciżkowicz Wolters Kluwer Polska, 2011 | 66 | 2011 |
Real income convergence between Central Eastern and Western Europe: Past, present, and prospects Z Matkowski, M Prochniak, R Rapacki Copenhagen: Centre for International Research on Economic Tendency Surveys, 2016 | 65 | 2016 |
Konwergencja beta i sigma w krajach postsocjalistycznych w latach 1990–2005* Beta and Sigma Convergence in the Post-Socialist Countries M Próchniak, R Rapacki Bank i kredyt, 42-60, 2007 | 58 | 2007 |
EU membership and economic growth: empirical evidence for the CEE countries R Rapacki, M Prochniak The European journal of comparative economics 16 (1), 3-40, 2019 | 49 | 2019 |
Analiza zbieżności wzrostu gospodarczego województw w latach 1995-2000 M Próchniak Gospodarka Narodowa, 27-44, 2004 | 46 | 2004 |
Real economic convergence and the impact of monetary policy on economic growth of the EU countries: The analysis of time stability and the identification of major turning … M Próchniak, B Witkowski National Bank of Poland Working Paper, 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Zbieżność rozwoju gospodarczego w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej iw stosunku do Unii Europejskiej Z Matkowski, M Próchniak Ekonomista, 293-320, 2005 | 40 | 2005 |
Konwergencja gospodarcza typu β w świetle bayesowskiego uśredniania oszacowań M Próchniak, B Witkowski Bank i Kredyt 43 (2), 25-58, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Real β-convergence of transition countries: Robust approach M Próchniak, B Witkowski Eastern European Economics 51 (3), 6-26, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
Emerging varieties of post-communist capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe: Where do we stand? R Rapacki, J Gardawski, A Czerniak, B Horbaczewska, A Karbowski, ... Europe-Asia Studies 72 (4), 565-592, 2020 | 33 | 2020 |