US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal stock assessments--2010 GT Waring, E Josephson, K Maze-Foley, PE Rosel NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE 213 (528), 02543-1026, 2009 | 234 | 2009 |
State–space mark–recapture estimates reveal a recent decline in abundance of North Atlantic right whales RM Pace III, PJ Corkeron, SD Kraus Ecology and Evolution 7 (21), 8730-8741, 2017 | 207 | 2017 |
Status review of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) under the Endangered Species Act SOM Bettridge, CS Baker, J Barlow, P Clapham, MJ Ford, D Gouveia, ... | 166 | 2015 |
US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico marine mammal stock assessments-2019 SA Hayes, E Josephson, K Maze-Foley, PE Rosel, B Byrd, ... | 157 | 2020 |
North Atlantic right whale consortium 2020 annual report card HM Pettis, RM Pace III, PK Hamilton Report to the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium, 2021 | 151 | 2021 |
Effectiveness of voluntary conservation agreements: case study of endangered whales and commercial whale watching DN Wiley, JC Moller, RM PACE III, C Carlson Conservation Biology 22 (2), 450-457, 2008 | 119 | 2008 |
Modeling speed restrictions to mitigate lethal collisions between ships and whales in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, USA DN Wiley, M Thompson, RM Pace III, J Levenson Biological Conservation 144 (9), 2377-2381, 2011 | 116 | 2011 |
High investment, low return: the strange case of reproduction in Eubalaena glacialis K SD The urban whale. North Atlantic right whales at the crossroads, 172-199, 2007 | 98 | 2007 |
Abundance, genetic diversity and conservation of Louisiana black bears (Ursus americanus luteolus) as detected through noninvasive sampling DA Triant, RM Pace, M Stine Conservation Genetics 5, 647-659, 2004 | 80 | 2004 |
Direct recovery rates of lesser scaup banded in northwest Minnesota: sources of heterogeneity RM Pace III, AD Afton The Journal of wildlife management, 389-395, 1999 | 73 | 1999 |
REVIEW Assessing North Atlantic right whale health: Threats, and development of tools critical for conservation of the species MJ Moore, TK Rowles, DA Fauquier, JD Baker, I Biedron, JW Durban, ... Diseases of aquatic organisms 143, 205-226, 2021 | 71 | 2021 |
The recovery of North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis, has been constrained by human-caused mortality P Corkeron, P Hamilton, J Bannister, P Best, C Charlton, KR Groch, ... Royal Society open science 5 (11), 180892, 2018 | 67 | 2018 |
Evidence of a North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis mating ground TVN Cole, P Hamilton, AG Henry, P Duley, RM Pace III, BN White, ... Endangered Species Research 21 (1), 55-64, 2013 | 67 | 2013 |
Abundance and demographic parameters of humpback whales from the Gulf of Maine, and stock definition relative to the Scotian Shelf P Clapham, J Barlow, M Bessinger, T Cole, D Mattila, R Pace, D Palka, ... J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 5 (1), 13-22, 2003 | 61 | 2003 |
Cryptic mortality of North Atlantic right whales RM Pace III, R Williams, SD Kraus, AR Knowlton, HM Pettis Conservation Science and Practice 3 (2), e346, 2021 | 58 | 2021 |
Incremental fishing gear modifications fail to significantly reduce large whale serious injury rates RM Pace III, TVN Cole, AG Henry Endangered Species Research 26 (2), 115-126, 2014 | 50 | 2014 |
Influence of ingested lead on body mass of wintering canvasbacks WL Hohman, RD Pritchert, RM Pace III, DW Woolington, R Helm The Journal of wildlife management, 211-215, 1990 | 50 | 1990 |
Genetic variation in black bears in Arkansas and Louisiana using microsatellite DNA markers I Csiki, C Lam, A Key, E Coulter, JD Clark, RM Pace, KG Smith, ... Journal of Mammalogy 84 (2), 691-701, 2003 | 49 | 2003 |
Indexing seasonal abundance of humpback whales around Abrolhos Archipelago, Bahia, Brazil ME Morete, RM Pace Iii, CCA Martins, AC Freitas, MH Engel Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 21-28, 2003 | 45 | 2003 |
Survival of female northern pintails wintering in southwestern Louisiana RR Cox Jr, AD Afton, RM Pace III The Journal of wildlife management, 1512-1521, 1998 | 45 | 1998 |