Pharmaceutical powder compaction technology G Alderborn, C Nystrom Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1996 | 391* | 1996 |
Overview of compaction data analysis techniques M Celik Drug development and industrial pharmacy 18 (6-7), 767-810, 1992 | 150 | 1992 |
Use of a compaction simulator system in tabletting research M Çelik, K Marshall Drug development and industrial pharmacy 15 (5), 759-800, 1989 | 138 | 1989 |
Antioxidant activity of seminal plasma in fertile and infertile men Y Koca, ÖL Özdal, M Celik, S Ünal, N Balaban Archives of andrology 49 (5), 355-359, 2003 | 116 | 2003 |
Compaction studies on pellets: II. Coated pellets L Maganti, M Celik International journal of pharmaceutics 103 (1), 55-67, 1994 | 90 | 1994 |
The effects of lubrication on the compaction and post-compaction properties of directly compressible maltodextrins MJ Mollan Jr, M Çelik International journal of pharmaceutics 144 (1), 1-9, 1996 | 86 | 1996 |
Compaction studies on pellets I. Uncoated pellets L Maganti, M Celik International journal of pharmaceutics 95 (1-3), 29-42, 1993 | 80 | 1993 |
The effect of compression and decompression speed on the mechanical strength of compacts CE Ruegger, M Çelick Pharmaceutical development and technology 5 (4), 485-494, 2000 | 78 | 2000 |
Compaction of multiparticulate oral dosage forms M Çelik Drugs and the pharmaceutical sciences 65, 181-215, 1994 | 69 | 1994 |
Spray drying and pharmaceutical applications M Celik, SC Wendel DRUGS AND THE PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 154, 129, 2005 | 58 | 2005 |
An overview of spray-drying applications S Wendel, M Celik Pharmaceutical technology 21 (10), 124-156, 1997 | 54 | 1997 |
The past, present, and future of tableting technology M Çelik Drug development and industrial pharmacy 22 (1), 1-10, 1996 | 49 | 1996 |
Reklamda tüketicinin yönlendirilmesi M Çelik YL Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2000 | 37 | 2000 |
A feasibility study for the development of a prospective compaction functionality test and the establishment of a compaction data bank M Çelik, E Okutgen Drug development and industrial pharmacy 19 (17-18), 2309-2334, 1993 | 37 | 1993 |
Compaction simulator studies of a new drug substance: effect of particle size and shape, and its binary mixtures with microcrystalline cellulose M Çelik, JTH Ong, ZT Chowhan, GJ Samuel Pharmaceutical development and technology 1 (2), 119-126, 1996 | 36 | 1996 |
The influence of varying precompaction and main compaction profile parameters on the mechanical strength of compacts CE Ruegger, M Çelik Pharmaceutical development and technology 5 (4), 495-505, 2000 | 35 | 2000 |
The effects of humidity and storage time on the behavior of maltodextrins for direct compression MJ Mollan, M Celik International journal of pharmaceutics 114 (1), 23-32, 1995 | 34 | 1995 |
The use of an elastic recovery index as a criterion of compactional behaviour of some direct compression bases M Celik, DN Travers Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 11 (2-3), 299-314, 1985 | 31 | 1985 |
Characterization of directly compressible maltodextrins manufactured by three different processes MJ Mollan, M Çelik Drug development and industrial pharmacy 19 (17-18), 2335-2358, 1993 | 28 | 1993 |
An overview of the effects of some physico-chemical and mechanical characteristics of particulates on the compaction and post-compaction properties of compacts M Çelik, CE Driscoll Drug development and industrial pharmacy 19 (17-18), 2119-2141, 1993 | 26 | 1993 |