Kim Nolan
Auxin Up-Regulates MtSERK1 Expression in Both Medicago truncatula Root-Forming and Embryogenic Cultures
KE Nolan, RR Irwanto, RJ Rose
Plant Physiology 133 (1), 218-230, 2003
Proteomic Analysis of Somatic Embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula. Explant Cultures Grown under 6-Benzylaminopurine and 1-Naphthaleneacetic Acid …
N Imin, M Nizamidin, D Daniher, KE Nolan, RJ Rose, BG Rolfe
Plant Physiology 137 (4), 1250-1260, 2005
Regeneration of Medicago truncatula from tissue culture: increased somatic embryogenesis using explants from regenerated plants
KE Nolan, RJ Rose, JR Gorst
Plant Cell Reports 8, 278-281, 1989
Expression of the SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE1 (SERK1) gene is associated with developmental change in the life cycle of the model legume …
KE Nolan, S Kurdyukov, RJ Rose
Journal of Experimental Botany 60 (6), 1759-1771, 2009
Ontogeny of embryogenic callus in Medicago truncatula: the fate of the pluripotent and totipotent stem cells
XD Wang, KE Nolan, RR Irwanto, MB Sheahan, RJ Rose
Annals of botany 107 (4), 599-609, 2011
The development of the highly regenerable seed line Jemalong 2HA for transformation of Medicago truncatula—implications for regenerability via somatic embryogenesis
RJ Rose, KE Nolan, L Bicego
Journal of Plant Physiology 155 (6), 788-791, 1999
Genetic transformation of Medicago truncatula using Agrobacterium with genetically modified Ri and disarmed Ti plasmids
MR Thomas, RJ Rose, KE Nolan
Plant Cell Reports 11, 113-117, 1992
Developmental biology of somatic embryogenesis
RJ Rose, FR Mantiri, S Kurdyukov, SK Chen, XD Wang, KE Nolan, ...
Plant Developmental Biology-Biotechnological Perspectives: Volume 2, 3-26, 2010
Root meristems in Medicago truncatula tissue culture arise from vascular-derived procambial-like cells in a process regulated by ethylene
RJ Rose, XD Wang, KE Nolan, BG Rolfe
Journal of Experimental Botany 57 (10), 2227-2235, 2006
Invited review: Genetic regulation of somatic embryogenesis with particular reference to arabidopsis thaliana and Medicago truncatula
RJ Rose, KE Nolan
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 42, 473-481, 2006
The stress kinase gene MtSK1 in Medicago truncatula with particular reference to somatic embryogenesis
KE Nolan, NA Saeed, RJ Rose
Plant cell reports 25, 711-722, 2006
Plant regeneration from cultured Medicago truncatula with particular reference to abscisic acid and light treatments
KE Nolan, RJ Rose
Australian Journal of Botany 46 (1), 151-160, 1998
An unusual abscisic acid and gibberellic acid synergism increases somatic embryogenesis, facilitates its genetic analysis and improves transformation in Medicago truncatula
KE Nolan, Y Song, S Liao, NA Saeed, X Zhang, RJ Rose
PloS one 9 (6), e99908, 2014
Characterisation of the legume SERK-NIKgene superfamily including splice variants: Implications for development and defence
KE Nolan, S Kurdyukov, RJ Rose
BMC Plant Biology 11, 1-16, 2011
Regeneration of Medicago truncatula from protoplasts isolated from kanamycin-sensitive and kanamycin-resistant plants
RJ Rose, KE Nolan
Plant Cell Reports 14, 349-353, 1995
Resistance to Alfalfa mosaic virus in transgenic barrel medic lines containing the virus coat protein gene
KW Jayasena, MR Hajimorad, EG Law, AU Rehman, KE Nolan, T Zanker, ...
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 52 (1), 67-72, 2001
A generic platform for the collation and sharing of web survey data
D Paul, M Wallis, F Henskens, K Nolan
Proceedings of the 9th WEBIST, Aachen, Germany, 8-10, 2013
The 2HA line of Medicago truncatulahas characteristics of an epigenetic mutant that is weakly ethylene insensitive
S Kurdyukov, U Mathesius, KE Nolan, MB Sheahan, N Goffard, BJ Carroll, ...
BMC plant biology 14, 1-16, 2014
Plant regeneration-somatic embryogenesis
KE Nolan, RJ Rose
Plant cell culture, 39-60, 2010
Stable Transformation of Medicago truncatula cv. Jemalong for Gene Analysis Using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Y Song, KE Nolan, RJ Rose
Legume Genomics: Methods and Protocols, 203-214, 2013
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