Manuel Roeleke
Manuel Roeleke
University of Potsdam, Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation
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Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement
R Nathan, CT Monk, R Arlinghaus, T Adam, J Alós, M Assaf, H Baktoft, ...
Science 375 (6582), eabg1780, 2022
Habitat use of bats in relation to wind turbines revealed by GPS tracking
M Roeleke, T Blohm, S Kramer-Schadt, Y Yovel, CC Voigt
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28961, 2016
Movement‐mediated community assembly and coexistence
UE Schlägel, V Grimm, N Blaum, P Colangeli, M Dammhahn, JA Eccard, ...
Biological Reviews 95 (4), 1073-1096, 2020
Migratory bats respond to artificial green light with positive phototaxis
CC Voigt, M Roeleke, L Marggraf, G Pētersons, SL Voigt-Heucke
PLoS One 12 (5), e0177748, 2017
Aerial-hawking bats adjust their use of space to the lunar cycle
M Roeleke, T Teige, U Hoffmeister, F Klingler, CC Voigt
Movement Ecology 6, 1-10, 2018
How bats escape the competitive exclusion principle—seasonal shift from intraspecific to interspecific competition drives space use in a bat ensemble
M Roeleke, L Johannsen, CC Voigt
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, 101, 2018
Conservation strategies for bats flying at high altitudes
CC Voigt, SE Currie, M Fritze, M Roeleke, O Lindecke
BioScience 68 (6), 427-435, 2018
Landscape structure influences the use of social information in an insectivorous bat
M Roeleke, T Blohm, U Hoffmeister, L Marggraf, UE Schlägel, T Teige, ...
Oikos 129 (6), 912-923, 2020
Bats probe the aerosphere during landscape‐guided altitudinal flights
M Roeleke, S Bumrungsri, CC Voigt
Mammal Review 48 (1), 7-11, 2018
Insectivorous bats form mobile sensory networks to optimize prey localization: The case of the common noctule bat
M Roeleke, UE Schlägel, C Gallagher, J Pufelski, T Blohm, R Nathan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (33), e2203663119, 2022
Fledermausschutz im Schatten der Windenergie
M Fritze, LS Lehnert, O Heim, O LINDECkE, M ROELEkE, CC Voigt
NATURSCHUTZ und Landschaftsplanung 51 (1), 20-27, 2019
Common Noctule Nyctalus noctula (Schreber, 1774)
O Lindecke, SE Currie, NJ Fasel, M Fritze, K Kravchenko, CK de Assis, ...
Handbook of the Mammals of Europe, 1-25, 2020
Rapid descent flight by a molossid bat (Chaerephon plicatus) returning to its cave
CC Voigt, S Bumrungsri, M Roeleke
Mammalian Biology 95, 15-17, 2019
Effects of tag mass on the physiology and behaviour of common noctule bats
M Kelling, SE Currie, SA Troxell, C Reusch, M Roeleke, U Hoffmeister, ...
Movement Ecology 12 (1), 38, 2024
Expert evaluations of methods used for monitoring bats during wind turbine projects
CC Voigt, M Roeleke, O Heim, LS Lehnert, M Fritze, O Lindecke
Evidenzbasierter Fledermausschutz in Windkraftvorhaben, 57-75, 2020
Flexible movement kernel estimation in habitat selection analyses with generalized additive models
J Pohle, F Jeltsch, M Roeleke, B Reineking, N Klappstein, U Schlägel
Sensitivities of mammals to capture and tagging: faster recovery in human-disturbed landscapes
J Stiegler, C Gallagher, R Hering, T Mueller, M Tucker, M Apollonio, ...
Flexible movement kernel estimation in habitat selection analyses with generalized additive models
R Arce Guillen, J Pohle, F Jeltsch, M Roeleke, B Reineking, N Klappstein, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.06. 27.600970, 2024
Portal Wissen= Excellence
O Günther, M Schüle, D Zurell, F Jeltsch, M Roeleke, H Kampe, ...
Portal Wissen: The research magazine of the University of Potsdam, 2023
Big-data approaches lead to an increased understanding of the ecology of animal movement
N Ran, CT Monk, R Arlinghaus, T Adam, J Alós, M Assaf, H Baktoft, ...
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