Introdução à ciência da geoinformação C Davis, G Câmara, AM Monteiro INPE, São José dos Campos: São Paulo. Disponível em: http://www. dpi. inpe …, 2001 | 968* | 2001 |
Semantic granularity in ontology-driven geographic information systems F Fonseca, M Egenhofer, C Davis, G Câmara Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence 36, 121-151, 2002 | 314 | 2002 |
Inferring the location of twitter messages based on user relationships CA Davis Jr, GL Pappa, DRR De Oliveira, F de L. Arcanjo Transactions in GIS 15 (6), 735-751, 2011 | 293 | 2011 |
Ontologies and knowledge sharing in urban GIS FT Fonseca, MJ Egenhofer, CA Davis Jr, KAV Borges Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 24 (3), 251-272, 2000 | 272 | 2000 |
Banco de dados geográficos MA Casanova, G Câmara, C Davis, L Vinhas, GR Queiroz MundoGEO, 2005 | 256 | 2005 |
OMT-G: an object-oriented data model for geographic applications KAV Borges, CA Davis, AHF Laender GeoInformatica 5, 221-260, 2001 | 251 | 2001 |
Bridging ontologies and conceptual schemas in geographic information integration F Fonseca, C Davis, G Câmara GeoInformatica 7, 355-378, 2003 | 238* | 2003 |
Assessing the certainty of locations produced by an address geocoding system CA Davis, FT Fonseca Geoinformatica 11, 103-129, 2007 | 154 | 2007 |
Arquitetura de sistemas de informação geográfica C Davis, G Câmara Introdução à ciência da geoinformação. São José dos Campos: INPE 35, 1965-2012, 2001 | 153 | 2001 |
Modelagem conceitual de dados geográficos KAV Borges, CA Davis Jr, AHF Laender CASANOVA, et. al. Banco de Dados Geográfico. MundoGEO: Curitiba, 83-136, 2005 | 120* | 2005 |
Spatial data integrity constraints in object oriented geographic data modeling KAV Borges, AHF Laender, CA Davis Jr Proceedings of the 7th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic …, 1999 | 104 | 1999 |
Discovering geographic locations in web pages using urban addresses KAV Borges, AHF Laender, CB Medeiros, CA Davis Jr Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Geographical information retrieval, 31-36, 2007 | 95 | 2007 |
Traffic observatory: a system to detect and locate traffic events and conditions using Twitter SS Ribeiro Jr, CA Davis Jr, DRR Oliveira, W Meira Jr, TS Gonçalves, ... Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGSPATIAL international workshop on location …, 2012 | 80 | 2012 |
Multiple representations in GIS: materialization through map generalization, geometric, and spatial analysis operations CA Davis Jr, AHF Laender Proceedings of the 7th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic …, 1999 | 68 | 1999 |
A Flexible Addressing System for Approximate Geocoding. CA Davis Jr, FT Fonseca, KAV Borges GEOINFO, 2003 | 65 | 2003 |
Semantic expansion of geographic web queries based on natural language positioning expressions TM Delboni, KAV Borges, AHF Laender, CA Davis Jr Transactions in GIS 11 (3), 377-397, 2007 | 59 | 2007 |
Integrity constraints in spatial databases KAV Borges, CA Davis Jr, AHF Laender Database integrity: challenges and solutions, 144-171, 2002 | 58* | 2002 |
A survey on the geographic scope of textual documents BR Monteiro, CA Davis Jr, F Fonseca Computers & Geosciences 96, 23-34, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
Geoprocessamento: teoria e aplicações G CÂMARA, C DAVIS, AMV MONTEIRO, JA Paiva, JCL D’Alge São José dos Campos: INPE. Cap 5, 2000 | 51 | 2000 |
An ontological gazetteer and its application for place name disambiguation in text IMR Machado, RO de Alencar, RO Campos, CA Davis Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 17, 267-279, 2011 | 49 | 2011 |