Hanna Zagefka
Hanna Zagefka
在 rhul.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Does contact reduce prejudice or does prejudice reduce contact? A longitudinal test of the contact hypothesis among majority and minority groups in three European countries.
J Binder, H Zagefka, R Brown, F Funke, T Kessler, A Mummendey, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (4), 843, 2009
The relationship between acculturation strategies, relative fit and intergroup relations: immigrant‐majority relations in Germany
H Zagefka, R Brown
European Journal of Social Psychology 32 (2), 171-188, 2002
Nuestra culpa: collective guilt and shame as predictors of reparation for historical wrongdoing.
R Brown, R González, H Zagefka, J Manzi, S Čehajić
Journal of personality and social psychology 94 (1), 75, 2008
When does national identification lead to the rejection of immigrants? Cross‐sectional and longitudinal evidence for the role of essentialist in‐group definitions
S Pehrson, R Brown, H Zagefka
British journal of social psychology 48 (1), 61-76, 2009
The dynamics of acculturation: An intergroup perspective
R Brown, H Zagefka
Advances in experimental social psychology 44, 129-184, 2011
Donating to disaster victims: Responses to natural and humanly caused events
H Zagefka, M Noor, R Brown, GR De Moura, T Hopthrow
European journal of social psychology 41 (3), 353-363, 2011
The psychology of charitable donations to disaster victims and beyond
H Zagefka, T James
Social Issues and Policy Review 9 (1), 155-192, 2015
The identity dynamics of acculturation and multiculturalism: Situating acculturation in context
SJ Schwartz, VL Vignoles, R Brown, H Zagefka
The Oxford handbook of multicultural identity, 57-93, 2014
Predictors and consequences of negative attitudes toward immigrants in Belgium and Turkey: The role of acculturation preferences and economic competition
H Zagefka, R Brown, M Broquard, SL Martin
British Journal of Social Psychology 46 (1), 153-169, 2007
Comparisons and perceived deprivation in ethnic minority settings
H Zagefka, R Brown
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31 (4), 467-482, 2005
Is support for multiculturalism threatened by… threat itself?
LK Tip, H Zagefka, R González, R Brown, M Cinnirella, X Na
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36 (1), 22-30, 2012
The concept of ethnicity in social psychological research: Definitional issues
H Zagefka
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 33 (3), 228-241, 2009
Explaining majority members’ acculturation preferences for minority members: A mediation model
L López-Rodríguez, H Zagefka, M Navas, I Cuadrado
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 38, 36-46, 2014
We all live in Germany but… Ingroup projection, group‐based emotions and prejudice against immigrants
T Kessler, A Mummendey, F Funke, R Brown, J Binder, H Zagefka, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 40 (6), 985-997, 2010
On the psychological barriers to the workplace: When and why metastereotyping undermines employability beliefs of women and ethnic minorities.
CK Owuamalam, H Zagefka
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 20 (4), 521, 2014
Predictors of majority members' acculturation preferences: Experimental evidence
H Zagefka, LK Tip, R González, R Brown, M Cinnirella
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (3), 654-659, 2012
Downplaying a compromised social image: The effect of metastereotype valence on social identification
CK Owuamalam, H Zagefka
European Journal of Social Psychology 41 (4), 528-537, 2011
Ingroup affiliations and prejudice
R Brown, H Zagefka
On the nature of prejudice: Fifty years after Allport, 54-70, 2005
How minority members' perceptions of majority members' acculturation preferences shape minority members' own acculturation preferences: Evidence from Chile
H Zagefka, R González, R Brown
British Journal of Social Psychology 50 (2), 216-233, 2011
& Leyens, JP (2009). Does contact reduce prejudice or does prejudice reduce contact? A longitudinal test of the contact hypothesis among majority and minority groups in three …
J Binder, H Zagefka, R Brown, F Funke, T Kessler, A Mummendey, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (4), 843-856, 0
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