Meng Gong
Meng Gong
在 unb.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Fracture and fatigue in wood
I Smith, E Landis, M Gong
John Wiley & Sons, 2003
Interactive effect of surface densification and post-heat-treatment on aspen wood
M Gong, C Lamason, L Li
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2), 293-296, 2010
Mechanical properties of laminated strand lumber and hybrid cross-laminated timber
Z Wang, M Gong, YH Chui
Construction and Building Materials 101, 622-627, 2015
Measurement of rolling shear modulus and strength of cross laminated timber fabricated with black spruce
Q Zhou, M Gong, YH Chui, M Mohammad
Construction and Building Materials 64, 379-386, 2014
Measurement of dynamic modulus of elasticity and damping ratio of wood-based composites using the cantilever beam vibration technique
Z Wang, L Li, M Gong
Construction and Building Materials 28 (1), 831-834, 2012
Planar shear and bending properties of hybrid CLT fabricated with lumber and LVL
Z Wang, H Fu, M Gong, J Luo, W Dong, T Wang, YH Chui
Construction and Building Materials 151, 172-177, 2017
Optimization of pressing parameters for mechanically surface-densified aspen.
C Lamason, M Gong
Forest Products Journal 57 (10), 2007
Elastic properties of full-size mass timber panels: Characterization using modal testing and comparison with model predictions
J Zhou, YH Chui, M Gong, L Hu
Composites Part B: Engineering 112, 203-212, 2017
Influence of technical characteristics on the rolling shear properties of cross laminated timber by modified planar shear tests
Z Wang, J Zhou, W Dong, Y Yao, M Gong
Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología 20 (3), 469-478, 2018
Feasibility of using poplar as cross layer to fabricate cross-laminated timber
Z Wang, H Fu, YH Chui, M Gong
Proceedings of the world conference on timber engineering, 10-14, 2014
Measurement of rolling shear modulus and strength of cross-laminated timber using bending and two-plate shear tests.
QY Zhou, M Gong, YH Chui, M Mohammad
Measurement of wood shrinkage in jack pine using three dimensional digital image correlation (DIC)
M Peng, YC Ho, WC Wang, YH Chui, M Gong
Holzforschung 66 (5), 639-643, 2012
Experimental study on bending properties of cross-laminated timber-bamboo composites
W Dong, Z Wang, J Zhou, M Gong
Construction and Building Materials 300, 124313, 2021
Shear properties of hybrid CLT fabricated with lumber and OSB
Q Li, Z Wang, Z Liang, L Li, M Gong, J Zhou
Construction and Building Materials 261, 120504, 2020
Lumber-based mass timber products in construction
M Gong
Timber buildings and sustainability, 2019
Planar shear properties of hardwood cross layer in hybrid cross laminated timber
M Gong, D Tu, L Li, YH Chui
ISCHP 2015, 85-90, 2015
Effect of waveform and loading sequence on low-cycle compressive fatigue life of spruce
M Gong, I Smith
Journal of materials in civil engineering 15 (1), 93-99, 2003
Mechanical behaviour of wood compressed in radial direction-part I. New method of determining the yield stress of wood on the stress-strain curve
C Huang, M Gong, Y Chui, F Chan
Journal of bioresources and bioproducts 5 (3), 186-195, 2020
Effect of load type on failure mechanisms of spruce in compression parallel to grain
M Gong, I Smith
Wood Science and Technology 37, 435-445, 2004
An Optimal Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Densification (THM) Process for Densifying Balsam Fir Wood.
L Li, M Gong, N Yuan, D Li
BioResources 8 (3), 2013
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