Luca Milanesi
Luca Milanesi
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A conceptual model of people's vulnerability to floods
L Milanesi, M Pilotti, R Ranzi
Water Resources Research 51 (1), 182-197, 2015
Vulnerability to flash floods: a simplified structural model for masonry buildings
L Milanesi, M Pilotti, A Belleri, A Marini, S Fuchs
Water Resources Research 54 (10), 7177-7197, 2018
Dam-break wave propagation an alpine valley with HEC-RAS 2D: experimental Cancano test case
M Pilotti, L Milanesi, V Bacchi, M Tomirotti, A Maranzoni
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146 (6), 2020
Using web-based observations to identify thresholds of a person's stability in a flow
L Milanesi, M Pilotti, B Bacchi
Water Resources Research 52, 2016
Analysis of the residual nutrient load from a combined sewer system in a watershed of a deep Italian lake
L Barone, M Pilotti, G Valerio, M Balistrocchi, L Milanesi, SC Chapra, ...
Journal of Hydrology 571, 202-213, 2019
Application of an improved version of the Erosion Potential Method in Alpine areas
L Milanesi, M Pilotti, A Clerici, Z Gavrilovic
Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, 17-30, 2015
Dam-break modeling in alpine valleys
M Pilotti, A Maranzoni, L Milanesi, M Tomirotti, G Valerio
Journal of Mountain Science 11, 1429-1441, 2014
A conceptual model of vehicles stability in flood flows
L Milanesi, M Pilotti
Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2019
Nutrient delivery efficiency of a combined sewer along a lake challenged by incipient eutrophication
M Pilotti, L Barone, M Balistrocchi, G Valerio, L Milanesi, D Nizzoli
Water Research 190, 116727, 2021
Critical review of non-structural measures for water-related risks
R Ranzi, M Mazzoleni, L Milanesi, M Pilotti, M Ferri, F Giuriato, G Michel, ...
KULTURisk, 2011
The application of the Erosion Potential Method to Alpine areas: methodological improvements and test case
L Milanesi, M Pilotti, A Clerici
Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 3: River Basins …, 2015
Coupling flood propagation modeling and buildings collapse in flash flood studies
L Milanesi, M Pilotti
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2021
Study of tributary inflows in Lake Iseo with a rotating physical model
M Pilotti, G Valerio, L Gregorini, L Milanesi, C Hogg
Journal of Limnology 73 (1), 131-145, 2014
Methodologies for hydraulic hazard mapping in alluvial fan areas
L Milanesi, M Pilotti, R Ranzi, G Valerio
Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing …, 2014
People and buildings vulnerability to floods in mountain areas
M Pilotti, L Milanesi, R Ranzi
INTERPRAEVENT 2016, 791-798, 2016
Experimental investigation of reservoir geometry effect on dam-break flow by A. FEIZI KHANKANDI, A. TAHERSHAMSI and S. SOARES-FRAZÃO, J. Hydraulic Res. 50 (4), 2012, 376–387.
M Pilotti, M Tomirotti, G Valerio, L Milanesi
Journal of hydraulic research 51 (2), 220-222, 2013
Il metodo dell'erosione potenziale. Proposte innovative ed applicazioni in ambito alpino
L Milanesi, A Clerici, M Pilotti
L'ACQUA 1, 37-47, 2013
Physically Based Vulnerability Functions for flood risk mapping in mountain area
M Pilotti, G Farina, R Bonomelli, L Milanesi
Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, 2022
Sui criteri di valutazione della pericolosità idraulica in area di conoide
L Milanesi, M Pilotti
XXXIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche Brescia, 2012
Modelling a complex lowland irrigation channel network to optimize management operation under future scenarios of climate change
G Farina, L Milanesi, M Pilotti
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-12723, 2023
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