Victor Garcia
Stabilization of cooperative virulence by the expression of an avirulent phenotype
M Diard, V Garcia, L Maier, MNP Remus-Emsermann, RR Regoes, ...
Nature 494 (7437), 353, 2013
The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics’ resources: focus on curated databases
LA Bultet, et al.
Nucleic Acid Research 44 (D1), D27-D37, 2016
Learning the regulatory code of gene expression
J Zrimec, F Buric, M Kokina, V Garcia, A Zelezniak
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8, 2021
Modeling the consequences of regional heterogeneity in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination uptake on transmission in Switzerland
M Riesen, V Garcia, N Low, C Althaus
Vaccine 35 (52), 7312-7321, 2017
Estimating the In Vivo Killing Efficacy of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes across Different Peptide-MHC Complex Densities
V Garcia, K Richter, F Graw, A Oxenius, RR Regoes
Plos Computational Biology, 2015
Stability depends on positive autoregulation in Boolean gene regulatory networks
R Pinho, V Garcia, M Irimia, MW Feldman
PLoS computational biology 10 (11), e1003916, 2014
Testing an agent-based model of bacterial cell motility: How nutrient concentration affects speed distribution
V Garcia, M Birbaumer, F Schweitzer
The European Physical Journal B 82 (3-4), 235, 2011
The effect of interference on the CD8+ T cell escape rates in HIV
V Garcia, RR Regoes
Frontiers in Immunology 5 (661), 2015
Understanding the spread of de novo and transmitted macrolide-resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium
D Cadosch, V Garcia, JS Jensen, N Low, CL Althaus
PeerJ 8, e8913, 2020
Investigating the Consequences of Interference between Multiple CD8+ T Cell Escape Mutations in Early HIV Infection
V Garcia, MW Feldman, RR Regoes
Plos Computational Biology 12 (2), e1004721, 2016
Cancer-induced immunosuppression can enable effectiveness of immunotherapy through bistability generation: A mathematical and computational examination
V Garcia, S Bonhoeffer, F Fu
Journal of theoretical biology 492, 110185, 2020
Clonal interference can cause wavelet-like oscillations of multilocus linkage disequilibrium
V Garcia, EC Glassberg, A Harpak, MW Feldman
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 15 (140), 20170921, 2018
Phenotype Accessibility and Noise in Random Threshold Gene Regulatory Networks
R Pinho, V Garcia, MW Feldman
PLoS ONE, 2015
Age difference between heterosexual partners in Britain: Implications for the spread of Chlamydia trachomatis
J Smid, V Garcia, N Low, CH Mercer, C Althaus
Epidemics, 2018
Within-epitope interactions can bias CTL escape estimation in early HIV infection
V Garcia, MW Feldman
Frontiers in Immunology 8, 423, 2017
De novo mutations drive the spread of macrolide resistant Mycoplasma genitalium: mathematical modelling study
D Cadosch, V Garcia, CL Althaus, JS Jensen, N Low
bioRxiv, 2018
Accounting for Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting in the Computation of Codon Usage Bias Indices
V Garcia, S Zoller, M Anisimova
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 2018
The Sciences of Data – Moving Towards a Comprehensive Systems Perspective
V Garcia, C Horn, T Ott
Archives of Data Science, Series A (Online First) 8 (2), 9, 2022
Heat, Greed and Human Need: Climate Change, Capitalism and Sustainable WellbeingGough, Ian. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing (2017), 264 p., ISBN 978‐1‐785‐36512‐6
I Baumann, V Garcia, F Metz
Swiss Political Science Review, 2018
Finite-sites multiple mutations interference gives rise to wavelet-like oscillations of multilocus linkage disequilibrium
V Garcia, EC Glassberg, MW Harpak, Arbel, Feldman
bioRxiv, 2016
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