Parent Thomas
Parent Thomas
在 u-bordeaux.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Mechanical characterization of limestone from sound velocity measurement
T Parent, N Domede, A Sellier, L Mouatt
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 79, 149-156, 2015
Frictional cohesive zone model for quasi-brittle fracture: Mixed-mode and coupling between cohesive and frictional behaviors
V Venzal, S Morel, T Parent, F Dubois
International Journal of Solids and Structures 198, 17-30, 2020
Mechanical behaviour of granite: a compilation, analysis and correlation of data from around the world
N Domede, T Parent, A Sellier
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 23 (2), 193-211, 2019
Mechanical damage evaluation of masonry under tensile loading by acoustic emission technique
S Peng, ZM Sbartaï, T Parent
Construction and Building Materials 258, 120336, 2020
A multi-model structural analysis of the vaults of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral after the 2019 fire and a proposal for a hybrid model merging continuum and discrete approaches
T Parent, M Brocato, AS Colas, N Domede, F Dubois, D Garnier, A Gros, ...
Journal of Cultural Heritage 65, 135-144, 2024
Multi-scale mechanical behavior of a gothic monument composed of ashlar masonry. Application to the design of a reinforcement technique
T Parent, N Domede, A Sellier
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 11 (3), 399-414, 2017
Notre-Dame de Paris as a validation case to improve fire safety modelling in historic buildings
A Guibaud, JC Mindeguia, A Albuerne, T Parent, J Torero
Journal of Cultural Heritage 65, 145-154, 2024
Méthodologie de diagnostic de structures maçonnées anciennes
T Parent
Université Toulouse 3, 2015
Structural analysis of masonry historical construction: ribbed-vault case study
T Parent, N Domede, A Sellier, C Dujarrier
Conference: Structural Faults and Repairs, London, 2014
Experimental characterisation of masonry unit–mortar interface under uniaxial cyclic tension
S Peng, T Parent, ZM Sbartaï, S Morel
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 274, 108790, 2022
3D hybrid modeling approach combining the finite and discrete element methods: Validation based on masonry shear wall tests
A Boukham, V Venzal, T Parent, S Morel, F Dubois, B Solbes
International Journal of Solids and Structures 289, 112638, 2024
Damage monitoring of masonry structures using the acoustic emission technique–From tensile and shear characterization tests to shear wall tests
S Peng, T Parent, ZM Sbartaï, S Morel
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 296, 109845, 2024
Modélisation discrète d’un mur maçonné sollicité en cisaillement sous chargement normal
V Venzal, T Parent, F Dubois, S Morel
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (1), 307-310, 2017
Mechanical characterisation of the stones of Notre-Dame de Paris by in situ acoustic velocity measurement
N Domede, T Parent, C Guenser, A Boukham, P Morenon, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 175, 105671, 2024
Modèle de zones cohésives pour les maçonneries
A Boukham, F Dubois, T Parent, JC Mindeguia, S Morel
16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024), 2024
Caractérisation expérimentale en compression/cisaillement de triplets en pierre à joint courbe
P Vergonjeanne, T Parent, S Morel, R Leroy, T Ciblac
Discrete element modelling of a masonry wall subjected to shear with taking into account the damage of blocks
A Boukham, T Parent, F Dubois, S Morel, JC Mindeguia
Academic Journal of Civil Engineering 41 (1), 177-186, 2023
Benchmark numérique des méthodes de calculs non-linéaires appliqués à la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
P Morenon, M Brocato, AS Colas, N Domede, F Dubois, D Garnier, A Gros, ...
Journées Nationales Maçonnerie 2023, 2023
Fonctionnement mécanique des voûtes sexpartites de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
P Morenon, M Brocato, AS Colas, N Domede, F Dubois, D Garnier, A Gros, ...
Journées Nationales Maçonnerie 2023, 2023
Estimer la solidité des voûtes de Notre-Dame après l’incendie
S Morel, F Dubois, T Parent, JC Mindeguia, M Brocato, P Nougayrède, ...
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