Kim A. Meijer
Kim A. Meijer
Post doc, VU University Medical Center
在 vumc.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Network collapse and cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis
MM Schoonheim, KA Meijer, JJG Geurts
Frontiers in neurology 6, 82, 2015
Predicting cognitive decline in multiple sclerosis: a 5-year follow-up study
AJC Eijlers, Q van Geest, I Dekker, MD Steenwijk, KA Meijer, HE Hulst, ...
Brain 141 (9), 2605-2618, 2018
Increased default-mode network centrality in cognitively impaired multiple sclerosis patients
AJC Eijlers, KA Meijer, TM Wassenaar, MD Steenwijk, BMJ Uitdehaag, ...
Neurology 88 (10), 952-960, 2017
Increased connectivity of hub networks and cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis
KA Meijer, AJC Eijlers, L Douw, BMJ Uitdehaag, F Barkhof, JJG Geurts, ...
Neurology 88 (22), 2107-2114, 2017
Determinants of cognitive impairment in patients with multiple sclerosis with and without atrophy
AJC Eijlers, KA Meijer, Q van Geest, JJG Geurts, MM Schoonheim
Radiology 288 (2), 544-551, 2018
Is impaired information processing speed a matter of structural or functional damage in MS?
KA Meijer, Q Van Geest, AJC Eijlers, JJG Geurts, MM Schoonheim, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 20, 844-850, 2018
White matter tract abnormalities are associated with cognitive dysfunction in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
KA Meijer, N Muhlert, M Cercignani, V Sethi, MA Ron, AJ Thompson, ...
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 22 (11), 1429-1437, 2016
The importance of hippocampal dynamic connectivity in explaining memory function in multiple sclerosis
Q van Geest, HE Hulst, KA Meijer, L Hoyng, JJG Geurts, L Douw
Brain and behavior 8 (5), e00954, 2018
Staging of cortical and deep grey matter functional connectivity changes in multiple sclerosis
KA Meijer, AJC Eijlers, JJG Geurts, MM Schoonheim
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 89 (2), 205-210, 2018
Patterns of white matter damage are non-random and associated with cognitive function in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
KA Meijer, M Cercignani, N Muhlert, V Sethi, D Chard, JJG Geurts, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 12, 123-131, 2016
Structural network topology relates to tissue properties in multiple sclerosis
S Kiljan, KA Meijer, MD Steenwijk, PJW Pouwels, MM Schoonheim, ...
Journal of neurology 266, 212-222, 2019
Cognitieve stoornissen bij multiple sclerose patiënten verklaard vanuit een netwerkperspectief
KA Meijer, MM Schoonheim, JJG Geurts
Neuropraxis 19, 31-38, 2015
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