Mariliani Chicarelli
Mariliani Chicarelli
Professor of Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Evaluation of diagnostic accuracy of conventional and digital periapical radiography, panoramic radiography, and cone-beam computed tomography in the assessment of alveolar …
WM Takeshita, LCV Iwaki, MC Da Silva, RH Tonin
Contemporary clinical dentistry 5 (3), 318-323, 2014
Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of root perforation, external resorption and fractures using cone-beam computed tomography, panoramic radiography and conventional & digital …
WM Takeshita, M Chicarelli, LCV Iwaki
Indian Journal of Dental Research 26 (6), 619-626, 2015
Adjuvant therapies in the management of medication‐related osteonecrosis of the jaws: Systematic review
E de Souza Tolentino, TF de Castro, FC Michellon, ACC Passoni, ...
Head & neck 41 (12), 4209-4228, 2019
Estudio radiográfico de la prevalencia de impactaciones dentarias de terceros molares y sus respectivas posiciones
MC da Silva, LCV Iwaki, A Yamashita, TW Mitsunari
Acta odontológica venezolana 52 (2), 2014
Avaliação estética de pacientes submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico
HVC Delalíbera, MC da Silva, RC Pascotto, HH Terada, RSS Terada
Acta Scientiarum. Health Sciences 32 (1), 93-100, 2010
Comparison of periapical radiography with cone beam computed tomography in the diagnosis of vertical root fractures in teeth with metallic post
WM Takeshita, LCV Iwaki, MC da Silva, S Sabio, PRF Albino
Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 17 (3), 225-229, 2014
Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of direct digital radiography system, filtered images, and subtraction radiography
WM Takeshita, LCV Iwaki, MC Da Silva, L Iwaki Filho, ADF Queiroz, ...
Contemporary clinical dentistry 4 (3), 338-342, 2013
Accuracy in the diagnosis of vertical root fractures, external root resorptions, and root perforations using cone-beam computed tomography with different voxel sizes of acquisition
FP Bragatto, L Iwaki Filho, AVB Kasuya, M Chicarelli, AF Queiroz, ...
Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 19 (6), 573-577, 2016
Imaginology tridimensional study of temporomandibular joint osseous components according to sagittal skeletal relationship, sex, and age
F Lobo, E de Souza Tolentino, LCV Iwaki, LÂ Walewski, WM Takeshita, ...
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 30 (5), 1462-1465, 2019
Cone beam computed tomography study of osteoarthritic alterations in the osseous components of temporomandibular joints in asymptomatic patients according to skeletal pattern …
LÂ Walewski, E de Souza Tolentino, FC Yamashita, LCV Iwaki, ...
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology 128 (1), 70-77, 2019
Estudo radiográfico da prevalência de anomalias dentárias por meio de radiografias panorâmicas em diferentes faixas etárias
GV Carneiro
Golden Proportion Analysis of Dental–Skeletal Patterns of Class II and III Patients Pre and Post Orthodontic-orthognathic Treatment
FP Bragatto, M Chicarelli, AVB Kasuya, WM Takeshita, L Iwaki-Filho, ...
J Contemp Dent Pract 17 (9), 728-33, 2016
Manifestações bucais em pacientes portadores de anemia: estudo clínico e radiográfico
WP Jacomacci, CH Gibim, TT Higa, FAS Figueiredo, LCV Iwaki, ...
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia-UPF 19 (3), 2014
Prevalencia de alteraciones en el complejo estilohiodeo en radiografías panorámicas digitales
W Gomes do Nascimento Junior, G Nascimento de Souza Pinto, ...
Revista Cubana de Estomatología 52 (2), 135-142, 2015
Effect of gamma rays on the bone repair process in rats with estrogen deficiency
M Chicarelli, FMM Ramos, FR Manzi, PD Novaes, FN Bóscolo, ...
Brazilian oral research 21, 75-80, 2007
Aspectos de relevante importância na seleção de um sistema radiográfico digital
AE Oliveira, G Pistóia, M Chicarelli, M Beltrame
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia-UPF 5 (1), 2000
Cistos odontogênicos inflamatórios e de desenvolvimento: estudo observacional e retrospectivo de 23 anos
ID da Silva, F Lobo, BG da Silva, E de Souza Tolentino, LCV Iwaki, ...
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia de Porto Alegre 61 (1), 4-10, 2020
Influence of Image Filters and Variation in Horizontal Angle of Incidence of X-ray Beam in Digital Interproximal Radiographs for Diagnosis of Secondary Caries in Esthetic …
VI LC, M Chicarelli, WM Takeshita
The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 16 (10), 805-812, 2015
Manifestações imaginológicas distintas na displasia cemento-óssea florida
TF de Castro, LCV Iwaki, N Pieralisi, MC da Silva, E de Souza Tolentino
Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia-UPF 22 (2), 2017
Temporal bone pneumatization in patients with dentofacial deformities: cone beam computed tomography study
M Chicarelli, VTB França, LÂ Walewski, LCV Iwaki, ES Tolentino
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 48 (12), 1564-1569, 2019
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