Deborah Gorman-Smith
Deborah Gorman-Smith
在 uchicago.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The role of exposure to community violence and developmental problems among inner-city youth
D Gorman–Smith, P Tolan
Development and psychopathology 10 (1), 101-116, 1998
The relation of family functioning to violence among inner-city minority youths.
D Gorman-Smith, PH Tolan, A Zelli, LR Huesmann
Journal of family psychology 10 (2), 115, 1996
Standards of evidence for efficacy, effectiveness, and scale-up research in prevention science: Next generation
DC Gottfredson, TD Cook, FEM Gardner, D Gorman-Smith, GW Howe, ...
Prevention science 16, 893-926, 2015
Exposure to community violence and violence perpetration: The protective effects of family functioning
D Gorman-Smith, DB Henry, PH Tolan
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 33 (3), 439-449, 2004
Cluster analysis in family psychology research.
DB Henry, PH Tolan, D Gorman-Smith
Journal of Family Psychology 19 (1), 121, 2005
The developmental ecology of urban males' youth violence.
PH Tolan, D Gorman-Smith, DB Henry
Developmental psychology 39 (2), 274, 2003
Witnessed community violence and antisocial behavior in high-risk, urban boys
LS Miller, GA Wasserman, R Neugebauer, D Gorman-Smith, ...
Journal of clinical child psychology 28 (1), 2-11, 1999
A developmental-ecological model of the relation of family functioning to patterns of delinquency
D Gorman-Smith, PH Tolan, DB Henry
Journal of quantitative criminology 16, 169-198, 2000
Longitudinal family and peer group effects on violence and nonviolent delinquency
DB Henry, PH Tolan, D Gorman-Smith
Journal of clinical child psychology 30 (2), 172-186, 2001
Family violence
P Tolan, D Gorman-Smith, D Henry
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 57 (1), 557-583, 2006
Assessment of family relationship characteristics: A measure to explain risk for antisocial behavior and depression among urban youth.
PH Tolan, D Gorman-Smith, LR Huesmann, A Zelli
Psychological assessment 9 (3), 212, 1997
Relation of family problems to patterns of delinquent involvement among urban youth
D Gorman-Smith, PH Tolan, R Loeber, DB Henry
Journal of abnormal child psychology 26, 319-333, 1998
Development of serious and violent offending careers.
PH Tolan, D Gorman-Smith
Sage Publications, Inc, 1998
Family processes and risk for externalizing behavior problems among African American and Hispanic boys.
P Florsheim, PH Tolan, D Gorman-Smith
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 64 (6), 1222, 1996
Family relationships, parenting practices, the availability of male family members, and the behavior of inner‐city boys in single‐mother and two‐parent families
P Florsheitn, P Tolan, D Gorman‐Smith
Child development 69 (5), 1437-1447, 1998
Are developmental pathways in disruptive behaviors the same for girls and boys?
D Gorman-Smith, R Loeber
Journal of Child and Family Studies 14, 15-27, 2005
Supporting families in a high-risk setting: proximal effects of the SAFEChildren preventive intervention.
P Tolan, D Gorman-Smith, D Henry
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 72 (5), 855, 2004
Family and community characteristics: Risk factors for violence exposure in inner‐city youth
AJ Sheidow, D Gorman‐Smith, PH Tolan, DB Henry
Journal of community psychology 29 (3), 345-360, 2001
Patterns of family functioning and adolescent outcomes among urban African American and Mexican American families.
D Gorman-Smith, PH Tolan, DB Henry, P Florsheim
Journal of Family Psychology 14 (3), 436, 2000
The relation of patterns of coping of inner–city youth to psychopathology symptoms
PH Tolan, D Gorman–Smith, D Henry, K Chung, M Hunt
Journal of Research on Adolescence 12 (4), 423-449, 2002
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