Seeing like the state or like pastoralists? Conflicting narratives on the governance of Sámi reindeer husbandry in Finnmark, Norway KI Johnsen, TA Benjaminsen, IMG Eira Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography 69 (4), 230-241, 2015 | 58 | 2015 |
A case of benign neglect: knowledge gaps about sustainability in pastoralism and rangelands KI Johnsen, M Niamir-Fuller, A Bensada, A Waters-Bayer United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal, 2019 | 41 | 2019 |
The art of governing and everyday resistance:“rationalization” of Sámi reindeer husbandry in Norway since the 1970s KI Johnsen, TA Benjaminsen Acta Borealia 34 (1), 1-25, 2017 | 41 | 2017 |
Land-use conflicts between reindeer husbandry and mineral extraction in Finnmark, Norway: contested rationalities and the politics of belonging KI Johnsen Polar Geography 39 (1), 58-79, 2016 | 39 | 2016 |
Vital arctic graphics. People and global heritage on our last wild shores H Ahlenius, K Johnsen, C Nellemann | 38 | 2005 |
Sámi reindeer governance in Norway as competing knowledge systems: a participatory study. KI Johnsen, SD Mathiesen, IM Gaup Eira Ecology & Society 22 (4), 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Protecting Arctic biodiversity: Limitations and strengths of environmental agreements K Johnsen United Nations Environment Programme, GRID-Arendal, 2010 | 30* | 2010 |
Strategies to enhance the resilience of Sámi reindeer husbandry to rapid changes in the Arctic SD Mathiesen, B Alfthan, R Corell, RBM Eira, IMG Eira, A Degteva, ... Arctic Resilience Interim Report, 109-112, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
Global linkages–A graphic look at the changing Arctic T Schoolmeester, HL Gjerdi, J Crump, B Alfthan, J Fabres, K Johnsen, ... Nairobi and Arendal: UN Environment and GRIDArendal, 2019 | 19* | 2019 |
Conflicting knowledges, competing worldviews: Norwegian governance of Sámi reindeer husbandry in West Finnmark, Norway KI Johnsen Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
The paradox of reindeer pasture management in Finnmark, Norway KI Johnsen Online feature, Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of Development of …, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Changing Taiga: Challenges to Mongolian Reindeer Husbandry KI Johnsen, B Alfthan, P Tsogsaikhan, SD Mathiesen United Nations Environment Programme, GRID Arendal, Norway, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
‘Leaving No One Behind’–Sustainable Development of Sámi Reindeer Husbandry in Norway KI Johnsen, IMG Eira, SD Mathiesen, A Oskal Reindeer Husbandry: Adaptation to the Changing Arctic, Volume 1, 37-66, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Medbestemmelse, makt og mistillit i reindriftsforvaltningen KI Johnsen Samisk reindrift, norske myter. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen, Norway, 195-220, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
A case of benign neglect: Knowledge gaps about sustainability in pastoralism and rangelands. United Nations Environment Programme and GRID-Arendal, Nairobi and Arendal. 2019 KI Johnsen, M Niamir-Fuller, A Bensada, A Waters-Bayer https://wedocs. unep. org/handle/20.500 11822, 27530, 0 | 8 | |
Indigenous peoples’ perspectives A Degteva, A Oskal, SD Mathiesen, P Burgess, I Aslaksen, K Johnsen, ... AMAP 2017. Adaptation actions for a changing Arctic: perspectives from the …, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Mulighetskartlegging for kystbaserte næringer i Østfold Ø Kaste, E Dahl, FH Gaeta, OK Hess-Erga, KI Johnsen, HOB Kildahl, ... NIVA-rapport, 2020 | 2 | 2020 |
Governing maximum reindeer numbers in Fennoscandia S Sarkki, KI Johnsen, A Löf, AJ Pekkarinen, J Kumpula, S Rasmus, ... Reindeer Husbandry and Global Environmental Change, 173-188, 2022 | 1 | 2022 |
Exploring the information base needed for sustainable management of rangeland resources for improved livelihoods KI Johnsen, M Niamir-Fuller, A Bensada, A Waters-Bayer The XXIV International Grassland Congress / XI International Rangeland …, 2021 | | 2021 |
Global linkages – a graphic look at the changing Arctic (rev.1) T Schoolmeester, HL Gjerdi, J Crump, B Alfthan, J Fabres, KI Johnsen, ..., 56, 2019 | | 2019 |