Paula Andrea Martins
Paula Andrea Martins
Professor do Departamento de Ciências do Movimento Humano
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Long-Lasting Effects of Undernutrition
VJB Martins, TMM Toledo Florêncio, LP Grillo, M Do Carmo P Franco, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 8 (6 …, 2011
Energy expenditure of stunted and nonstunted boys and girls living in the shantytowns of Sao Paulo, Brazil
DJ Hoffman, AL Sawaya, WA Coward, A Wright, PA Martins, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 72 (4), 1025-1031, 2000
The link between childhood undernutrition and risk of chronic diseases in adulthood: a case study of Brazil
AL Sawaya, P Martins, D Hoffman, SB Roberts
Nutrition reviews 61 (5), 168-175, 2003
Stunted children gain less lean body mass and more fat mass than their non-stunted counterparts: a prospective study
PA Martins, DJ Hoffman, MTB Fernandes, CR Nascimento, SB Roberts, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 92 (05), 819-825, 2004
Long‐term Effects of Early Malnutrition on Body Weight Regulation
AL Sawaya, PA Martins, LP Grillo, TT Florencio
Nutrition reviews 62 (s2), S127-S133, 2004
Association between chronic undernutrition and hypertension
AL Sawaya, R Sesso, TM Florêncio, MTB Fernandes, PA Martins
Maternal & child nutrition 1 (3), 155-163, 2005
Availability of processed foods in the perimeter of public schools in urban areas
FHM Leite, MA Oliveira, EC Cremm, DSC Abreu, LR Maron, PA Martins
Jornal de Pediatria 88 (4), 328-334, 2012
Regulation of energy intake may be impaired in nutritionally stunted children from the shantytowns of Sao Paulo, Brazil
DJ Hoffman, SB Roberts, I Verreschi, PA Martins, C de Nascimento, ...
The Journal of nutrition 130 (9), 2265-2270, 2000
Body fat distribution in stunted compared with normal-height children from the shantytowns of São Paulo, Brazil
DJ Hoffman, PA Martins, SB Roberts, AL Sawaya
Nutrition 23 (9), 640-646, 2007
Os dois Brasis: quem são, onde estão e como vivem os pobres brasileiros
AL Sawaya, GMB Solymos, TMMT Florêncio, PA Martins
Estudos avançados 17 (48), 21-44, 2003
Malnutrition, long-term health and the effect of nutritional recovery
AL Sawaya, PA Martins, BM VJ, TT Florêncio, D Hoffman, F MdCP, ...
Karger Publishers 63, 95-108, 2009
Increased blood pressure in adolescents of low socioeconomic status with short stature
MTB Fernandes, R Sesso, PA Martins, AL Sawaya
Pediatric Nephrology 18 (5), 435-439, 2003
Lower resting metabolic rate and higher velocity of weight gain in a prospective study of stunted vs nonstunted girls living in the shantytowns of Sao Paulo, Brazil
LP Grillo, AFA Siqueira, AC Silva, PA Martins, ITN Verreschi, AL Sawaya
European journal of clinical nutrition 59 (7), 835-842, 2005
Evidence for impaired insulin production and higher sensitivity in stunted children living in slums
PA Martins, AL Sawaya
British Journal of Nutrition 95 (5), 996-1001, 2006
Factors associated with overweight in children living in the neighbourhoods of an urban area of Brazil
E de Carvalho Cremm, FH Marrocos Leite, DSC de Abreu, MA de Oliveira, ...
Public health nutrition 15 (06), 1056-1064, 2012
Factors associated with overweight in children living in the neighbourhoods of an urban area of Brazil
E de Carvalho Cremm, FH Marrocos Leite, DSC de Abreu, MA de Oliveira, ...
Public Health Nutrition 15 (6), 1056-1064, 2012
Comparison of techniques to evaluate adiposity in stunted and nonstunted children
DJ Hoffman, AL Sawaya, PA Martins, MA McCrory, SB Roberts
Pediatrics 117 (4), e725-e732, 2006
Malnourished children treated in day-hospital or outpatient clinics exhibit linear catch-up and normal body composition
J das Neves, PA Martins, R Sesso, AL Sawaya
The Journal of nutrition 136 (3), 648-655, 2006
Estado nutricional de crianças atendidas na rede pública
RJP Damaceno, PA Martins, MU Devincenzi
Rev Paul Pediatr 27 (2), 139-47, 2009
Estado nutricional, condições socioeconômicas, ambientais e de saúde de crianças moradoras em cortiços e favela; Nutritional status and health, environmental and socioeconomic …
RB Santos, PA Martins, AL Sawaya
Rev. nutr 21 (6), 671-681, 2008
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