otto hospes
otto hospes
Associate professor Public Administration and Policy
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Marking the success or end of global multi-stakeholder governance? The rise of national sustainability standards in Indonesia and Brazil for palm oil and soy
O Hospes
Agriculture and human values 31, 425-437, 2014
Financial landscapes reconstructed
FJA Bouman, O Hospes
Financial Landscapes Reconstructed, 3-16, 2019
Food sovereignty: the debate, the deadlock, and a suggested detour
O Hospes
Agriculture and Human Values 31, 119-130, 2014
Managing wicked problems in agribusiness: the role of multi-stakeholder engagements in value creation
D Dentoni, O Hospes, RB Ross
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 15, 1-12, 2012
Livelihood and microfinance: anthropological and sociological perspectives on savings and debt
HB Lont, O Hospes
Eburon Uitgeverij BV, 2004
Governing biofuels in Brazil: A comparison of ethanol and biodiesel policies
SL Stattman, O Hospes, APJ Mol
Energy Policy 61, 22-30, 2013
Food system governance: A systematic literature review
O Hospes, A Brons
Food systems governance, 13-42, 2016
Governing the palm-oil sector through finance: the changing roles of the Indonesian State
EP Pramudya, O Hospes, C Termeer
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 53 (1), 57-82, 2017
Unpacking the discourse on social inclusion in value chains
O Hospes, J Clancy
Value chains, social inclusion and economic development, 23-41, 2012
People that count: The forgotten faces of rotating savings and credit associations in indonesia/les gens qui comptent: Les faces oubliees des associations rotatoires d'epargne …
O Hospes
Savings and Development, 371-401, 1992
Identifying barriers and levers of biodiversity mainstreaming in four cases of transnational governance of land and water
S Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, E Boelee, J Cools, L van Hoof, O Hospes, M Kok, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 85, 132-140, 2018
Women's differential use of ROSCAs in Indonesia.
O Hospes
Money-go-rounds for women: rotating savings and credit associations, 127-148, 1995
The disciplining of illegal palm oil plantations in Sumatra
EP Pramudya, O Hospes, C Termeer
Third World Quarterly 39 (5), 920-940, 2018
New generation of knowledge: Towards an inter-and transdisciplinary framework for sustainable pathways of palm oil production
O Hospes, C Kroeze, P Oosterveer, G Schouten, M Slingerland
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 80, 75-84, 2017
Parallel development of five partnerships to promote sustainable soy in Brazil: solution or part of wicked problems?
O Hospes, OMC van der Valk, J van der Mheen-Sluijer
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 15 (B), 29-52, 2012
People that count: changing savings and credit practices in Ambon, Indonesia
O Hospes
PQDT-Global, 1996
Tensions Between Global‐Scale and National‐Scale Governance: The Strategic Use of Scale Frames to Promote Sustainable Palm Oil Production in Indonesia
O Hospes, A Kentin
Scale‐sensitive Governance of the Environment, 203-219, 2014
Anti-corporate activism and collusion: The contentious politics of palm oil expansion in Indonesia
W Berenschot, A Dhiaulhaq, O Hospes, R Adriana, E Poetry
Geoforum 131, 39-49, 2022
An Evaluation of Micro-Finance Programmes in Kenya as Supported through the Dutch Co-Financing Programme
O Hospes, M Musinga, M Ong'ayo
Steering Committee for the Evaluation of the Netherlands' Co-financing Programme, 2002
Public and private governance in interaction: Changing interpretations of sovereignty in the field of Sustainable Palm Oil
G Schouten, O Hospes
Sustainability 10 (12), 4811, 2018
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