Reconnecting tourism after COVID-19: The paradox of alterity in tourism areas D Lapointe Tourism Geographies 22 (3), 633-638, 2020 | 286 | 2020 |
Reflections and discussions: tourism matters in the new normal post COVID-19 P Brouder, S Teoh, NB Salazar, M Mostafanezhad, JM Pung, D Lapointe, ... Tourism geographies 22 (3), 735-746, 2020 | 273 | 2020 |
The impact of volunteer tourism on local communities: A managerial perspective G Hernandez-Maskivker, D Lapointe, R Aquina International Journal of Tourism Research, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Empowering Local Tourism Providers to Innovate through a Living Lab Process: Does Scale Matter? D Guimont, D Lapointe Technology Innovation Management Review 6 (11), 19-25, 2016 | 50 | 2016 |
Global tourism in crisis: conceptual frameworks for research and practice JM Cheer, D Lapointe, M Mostafanezhad, T Jamal Journal of Tourism Futures 7 (3), 278-294, 2021 | 42 | 2021 |
TOURISM IN THE SUSTAINED HEGEMONIC NEOLIBERAL ORDER D Lapointe, B Sarrasin, C Benjamin Revista Latino-Americana de Turismologia 4 (1), 16-33, 2018 | 39 | 2018 |
Changements climatiques et mise en tourisme du fleuve St-Laurent au Québec : Analyse critique des représentations D Lapointe, B Sarrasin, A Guillemard VertigO, 1-15, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
Écotourisme et développement durable viable, une dialectique, un cadre interprétatif C Gagnon, D Lapointe L’écotourisme, entre l’arbre et l’écorce. De la conservation au …, 2006 | 31 | 2006 |
Place, labor, and (im) mobilities: Tourism and biopolitics D Lapointe, M Coulter Tourism Culture & Communication 20 (2-3), 95-105, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Institutional structure and modes of governance in non-metropolitan innovation systems D Doloreux, S Dionne, D Lapointe International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7 (2-5 …, 2007 | 26 | 2007 |
Open innovation practices adopted by private stakeholders: perspectives for living labs D Lapointe, D Guimont info 17 (4), 67-80, 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
Conservation, aires protégées et écotourisme: des enjeux de justice environnementale pour les communautés voisines des parcs? D Lapointe Universite du Quebec a Rimouski (Canada), 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
The living lab approach to raise innovation capability among tourism practitioners D Lapointe, D Guimont, A Sévigny Tourism Dimensions 2 (2), 18-27, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
Conservation et écotourisme: une lecture par la justice environnementale du cas des communautés voisines du Parc national de la Guadeloupe D Lapointe, C Gagnon Études caribéennes, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
The new responsible tourism paradigm: the UNWTO’s discourse following the spread of COVID-19 S Tremblay-Huet, D Lapointe Tourism and Hospitality 2 (2), 248-260, 2021 | 16 | 2021 |
Tourisme et Covid-19. Arrêts sur image et réflexions P Marcotte, MR Khomsi, I Falardeau, R Roult, D Lapointe Téoros. Revue de recherche en tourisme 39 (39-3), 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
Central neighbourhoods revitalization and tourists bubble: From gentrification to touristification of daily life in Montréal H Bélanger, D Lapointe, A Guillemard Critical practices in architecture: the unexamined, 71-94, 2020 | 15* | 2020 |
Tourism Territory/Territoire(s) Touristique(s): When Mobility Challenges the Concept D Lapointe Progress in French Tourism Geographies: Inhabiting Touristic Worlds, 105-116, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Changing collaborative practices in tourism - A Living Lab case D Guimont, D Lapointe, A Sévigny Canadian Journal of Regional Science / Revue Canadienne des sciences …, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
La production de l’espace touristique de l’Île-à-Vache (Haïti) : illustration du processus de développement géographique inégal S Jeannite, D Lapointe Études caribéennes, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |