Alexis Cristian Sparapani
Alexis Cristian Sparapani
在 uniroma1.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Equation for modeling two-photon absorption in nonlinear waveguides
N Linale, J Bonetti, A Sparapani, AD Sánchez, DF Grosz
JOSA B 37 (6), 1906-1910, 2020
Temporal reflection and refraction in the presence of a zero-nonlinearity wavelength
AC Sparapani, J Bonetti, N Linale, SM Hernandez, PI Fierens, DF Grosz
Optics Letters 48 (2), 339-342, 2023
Dispersive waves and radiation trapping in optical fibers with a zero-nonlinearity wavelength
SM Hernandez, A Sparapani, N Linale, J Bonetti, DF Grosz, PI Fierens
Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-15, 2022
All-optical pulse-train generation through the temporal analogue of a laser
A Sparapani, G Fernández, AD Sánchez, J Bonetti, N Linale, DF Grosz
Optical Fiber Technology 68, 102785, 2022
Wearable sensors and domotic environment for elderly people
S Ponce, D Piccinini, S Avetta, A Sparapani, M Roberti, N Andino, ...
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018: June 3-8 …, 2019
Desarrollo de un sistema vestible de medición de variables fisiológicas
S Ponce, N Lopez, D Piccinini, M Roberti, S Avetta, N Andino, ...
Proc VII Congreso de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2016
A proposal for linear and nonlinear discrete and distributed sensing of mechanical strain with graphene-decorated optical fibers
G Fernández, AC Sparapani, N Linale, JC Benitez, DF Grosz
Optical Fiber Technology 73, 103046, 2022
Simulación de Colisión de Mensajes ADS-B
JP Martín, CE García, MF Folonier, B Marengo, MA Podestá, JP Prina, ...
Proc. VIII Conf. Científica de Telecomunicaciones y TICs, 2015
Satellite ADSB Messages Collision Simulation
P Martin, E Garcia, F Folonier, B MARENGO, MA PODESTÁ, JP PRINA, ...
VIII Scientific Conference on Telecommunications, Information Technologies …, 2015
Raman suppression and all-optical control in media with a zero-nonlinearity wavelength
AC Sparapani, LN Gutierrez, SM Hernandez, PI Fierens, DF Grosz, ...
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2024
Raman suppression and all-optical switching in media with a zero-nonlinearity wavelength
AC Sparapani, LN Gutierrez, SM Hernandez, PI Fierens, DF Grosz, ...
CLEO: Science and Innovations, JW2A. 37, 2024
Dispersive waves in optical fibers with a zero-nonlinearity wavelength
A Sparapani, N Linale, DF Grosz, J Bonetti, PI Fierens, SM Hernández
Nonlinear Optics, NTu2A. 4, 2021
All-optical pulse-train generation through the temporal analogue of a laser
AC Sparapani, AD Sánchez, N Linale, J Bonetti, DF Grosz, GR Fernández
Laser Science, JTh4A. 41, 2020
Home and Physiological Remote Monitoring System for Elderlies and People with Chronic Diseases
S Ponce, S Avetta, A Sparapani, C Garcia, D Piccinini, N López
VIII Latin American Conference on Biomedical Engineering and XLII National …, 2020
Soliton generation via temporal reflection in media with a zero-nonlinearity wavelength
LN Gutierrez, AC Sparapani, DF Grosz, PI Fierens, SM Hernandez
2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 1-2, 2024
Optical fibers with a frequency-dependent Kerr nonlinearity: Theory and applications
AC Sparapani, SM Hernandez, PI Fierens, DF Grosz, GP Agrawal
Wave Motion, 103386, 2024
Propagación de pulsos en fibras ópticas con ceros de no linealidad
AC Sparapani
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 2024
Distributed nonlinear sensing of strain with graphene-covered fibers
G Fernández, AC Sparapani, N Linale, SM Hernandez, JC Benítez, ...
Optical Sensors, STu2C. 3, 2023
Método de medición no lineal para medir deformaciones mecánicas de materiales y estructuras
JC Benítez, GR Fernández, DF Grosz, NM Linale, AC Sparapani
Linear and Nonlinear Discrete and Distributed Sensing of Mechanical Strain with Graphene-Decorated Optical Fibers
G Fernandez, AC Sparapani, N Linale, JC Benitez, DF Grosz
Available at SSRN 3996749, 2022
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