John Ehrich
John Ehrich
Senior Lecturer Macquarie University
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A comparison of Chinese and Australian university students' attitudes towards plagiarism
J Ehrich, SJ Howard, C Mu, S Bokosmaty
Studies in Higher Education 41 (2), 231-246, 2016
The use of metadiscourse for knowledge construction in Chinese and English research articles
C Mu, LJ Zhang, J Ehrich, H Hong
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 20, 135-148, 2015
Vygotskyan inner speech and the reading process
JF Ehrich
Confucius as transformational leader: Lessons for ESL leadership
L Bi, J Ehrich, LC Ehrich
International Journal of Educational Management 26 (4), 391-402, 2012
Perceptions of settlement well-being, language proficiency, and employment: An investigation of immigrant adult language learners in Australia
SHO Kim, J Ehrich, L Ficorilli
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36 (1), 41-52, 2012
Canadian university students’ gendered attitudes toward plagiarism
S Bokosmaty, J Ehrich, MJ Eady, K Bell
Journal of Further and Higher Education 43 (2), 276-290, 2019
What are standardized literacy and numeracy tests testing? Evidence of the domain‐general contributions to students’ standardized educational test performance
SJ Howard, S Woodcock, J Ehrich, S Bokosmaty
British Journal of Educational Psychology 87 (1), 108-122, 2017
Measuring students' perceptions of plagiarism: Modification and Rasch validation of a plagiarism attitude scale
SJ Howard, JF Ehrich, R Walton
Teacher Disposition Scale (TDS): construction and psychometric validation
C West, A Baker, JF Ehrich, S Woodcock, S Bokosmaty, SJ Howard, ...
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 1-16, 2018
Psychometric Validation of the 10-item Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale.
J Ehrich, A Mornane, T Powern
Journal of applied measurement 18 (2), 122-136, 2017
Development of the Psychologist and Counsellor Self-Efficacy Scale
HMG Watt, J Ehrich, SE Stewart, T Snell, M Bucich, N Jacobs, B Furlonger, ...
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 2019
Measuring attitudes toward plagiarism: issues and psychometric solutions
J Ehrich, S Howard, J Tognolini, S Bokosmaty
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 7 (2), 243-257, 2015
Attendance, performance and the acquisition of early literacy skills: A comparison of Indigenous and non-Indigenous school children
J Ehrich, JR Wolgemuth, J Helmer, G Oteng, T Lea, C Bartlett, H Smith, ...
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 15 (2), 131-149, 2010
Are alphabetic language-derived models of L2 reading relevant to L1 logographic background readers?
JF Ehrich, LJ Zhang, JC Mu, LC Ehrich
Language Awareness 22 (1), 39-55, 2013
Behavioral and fMRI evidence of the differing cognitive load of domain-specific assessments
SJ Howard, H Burianová, J Ehrich, L Kervin, A Calleia, E Barkus, ...
Neuroscience 297, 38-46, 2015
Acquiring an artificial logographic orthography: The beneficial effects of a logographic L1 background and bilinguality
JF Ehrich, RFI Meuter
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 40 (5), 711-745, 2009
Rasch Analysis of the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ)
JF Ehrich, DB Henderson
International Journal of Listening 33 (2), 101-113, 2019
Validation of a one item screen for problem gambling
MJ Rockloff, J Ehrich, M Themessl-Huber, LG Evans
Journal of gambling studies 27 (4), 701-707, 2011
Mentoring across the professions: some issues and challenges
L Ehrich, B Hansford, JF Ehrich
The effect of gender on teaching dispositions: A Rasch measurement approach
JF Ehrich, S Woodcock, C West
International Journal of Educational Research 99, 101510, 2020
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