R. Lawrence Van Horn
R. Lawrence Van Horn
在 owen.vanderbilt.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Long-term functional outcomes after treatment for localized prostate cancer
MJ Resnick, T Koyama, KH Fan, PC Albertsen, M Goodman, AS Hamilton, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 368 (5), 436-445, 2013
Managerial incentives in nonprofit organizations: Evidence from hospitals
JA Brickley, RL Van Horn
The Journal of Law and Economics 45 (1), 227-249, 2002
How do nonprofit hospitals manage earnings?
AJ Leone, RL Van Horn
Journal of health economics 24 (4), 815-837, 2005
Contract duration: Evidence from franchising
JA Brickley, S Misra, RLV Horn
The journal of law and economics 49 (1), 173-196, 2006
" Sorry" is never enough: How state apology laws fail to reduce medical malpractice liability risk
BJ McMichael, RL Van Horn, WK Viscusi
Stan. L. Rev. 71, 341, 2019
The impact of cannabis access laws on opioid prescribing
BJ McMichael, RL Van Horn, WK Viscusi
Journal of Health Economics 69, 102273, 2020
Board composition and nonprofit conduct: Evidence from hospitals
JA Brickley, RL Van Horn, GJ Wedig
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 76 (2), 196-208, 2010
Valuing hospital investment in information technology: does governance make a difference?
ST Parente, RL Van Horn
Health care financing review 28 (2), 31, 2006
Health maintenance organizations and hospital quality for coronary artery bypass surgery
JJ Escarce, RL Van Horn, MV Pauly, SV Williams, JA Shea, W Chen
Medical Care Research and Review 56 (3), 340-362, 1999
The impact of physician involvement in managed care on efficient use of hospital resources
RL Van Horn, LR Burns, DR Wholey
Medical Care 35 (9), 873-889, 1997
Earnings management in not-for-profit institutions: Evidence from hospitals
AJ Leone, RL Van Horn
Available at SSRN 146610, 1999
Division of labor in medical office practices
G Dobson, E Pinker, RL Van Horn
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 11 (3), 525-537, 2009
Board structure and executive compensation in nonprofit organizations: Evidence from hospitals
JA Brickley, RL Van Horn, GJ Wedig
Organizational Economics of Health Care Conference, Simon Graduate School of …, 2003
Health and the welfare of US business.
DJ Brailer, RL Van Horn
Harvard Business Review 71 (2), 125-132, 1993
College football coaches' pay and contracts: Are they overpaid and unduly privileged
RS Thomas, RL Van Horn
Ind. LJ 91, 189, 2015
Abnormal returns and the regulation of nonprofit hospital sales and conversions
AJ Leone, RL Van Horn, GJ Wedig
Journal of Health Economics 24 (1), 113-135, 2005
Are college presidents like football coaches? Evidence from their employment contracts
RS Thomas, RL Van Horn
Ariz. L. Rev. 58, 901, 2016
Hospital affiliation and capital structure: how will capital markets guide health care restructuring?
GJ Wedig, M Hassan, RL Van Horn, MA Morrisey
Journal of public budgeting, accounting & financial management 10 (3), 413-440, 1996
How Well Do Travel Cost Models Measure Competition Among Hospitals?
MJ Doane, LM Froeb, RL Van Horn
Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management Research Paper, 2012
Executive compensation in nonprofit health care organizations
K Ackerman, WE Kibler, GD Steele, RL Van Horn, K Swartz, B McPherson
Inquiry 42 (2), 110-117, 2005
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