Naimahmed Nesaragi
Naimahmed Nesaragi
Postdoctoral Researcher, Intervensjon Center, Oslo Universitet Hospital
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Automated detection of abnormal heart sound signals using Fano-factor constrained tunable quality wavelet transform
NK Sawant, S Patidar, N Nesaragi, UR Acharya
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 41 (1), 111-126, 2021
Tensor learning of pointwise mutual information from EHR data for early prediction of sepsis
N Nesaragi, S Patidar, V Aggarwal
Computers in biology and medicine 134, 104430, 2021
Early prediction of sepsis from clinical data using ratio and power-based features
N Nesaragi, S Patidar
Critical care medicine 48 (12), e1343-e1349, 2020
A correlation matrix-based tensor decomposition method for early prediction of sepsis from clinical data
N Nesaragi, S Patidar, V Thangaraj
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 41 (3), 1013-1024, 2021
An efficient 64-point pipelined FFT engine
JM Rudagi, R Lobo, P Patil, N Biraj, N Nesaragi
2010 International Conference on Advances in Recent Technologies in …, 2010
Automated diagnosis of coronary artery disease using scalogram-based tensor decomposition with heart rate signals
N Nesaragi, A Sharma, S Patidar, UR Acharya
Medical Engineering & Physics 110, 103811, 2022
An explainable machine learning model for early prediction of sepsis using ICU data
N Nesaragi, S Patidar
Infections and Sepsis Development 247, 2021
Application of recurrent neural network for the prediction of target non-apneic arousal regions in physiological signals
N Nesaragi, A Sharma, S Patidar, S Majumder, K Tavakolian
2018 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC) 45, 1-4, 2018
Electrical bioimpedance in the era of artificial intelligence
J Hou, N Nesaragi, C Tronstad
Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance 15 (1), 1, 2024
A novel approach for fiber channel based video protocol
SB Patil, N Nesaragi, BP Kumar, CM Ananda
2015 International Conference on Smart Technologies and Management for …, 2015
A Multi-channel EEG Data Analysis for Poor Neuro-prognostication in Comatose Patients with Self and Cross-channel Attention Mechanism
HA Qadir, N Nesaragi, PS Halvorsen, I Balasingham
2023 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) 50, 1-4, 2023
Non-invasive waveform analysis for emergency triage via simulated hemorrhage: An experimental study using novel dynamic lower body negative pressure model
N Nesaragi, LØ Høiseth, HA Qadir, LA Rosseland, PS Halvorsen, ...
biocybernetics and biomedical engineering 43 (3), 551-567, 2023
An experimental study via novel dynamic lower body negative pressure model to analyse simulated hemorrhage using arterial blood pressure.
Nesaragi, N., Høiseth, L. Ø., Qadir, H. A., Rosseland, L. A., Halvorsen, P ...
42nd International Symposium on Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine,Crit …, 2023
Modeling and Mining Schemes for Early Prediction of Sepsis using Higher order Representations from Structured EHR data
N Nesaragi
Doctoral Thesis, National Institute of Technology Goa, India, 2021
Design of Fiber channel based High Speed Serial Transmitter for Video Protocol on FPGA
N Nesaragi, K Pradeep, DA C.M, J Suganthi
Wireless and Optical Communications Networks.(WOCN). M.S. Ramaiah ,Bangalore …, 2015
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