Authenticity by typing for security protocols AD Gordon, A Jeffrey Journal of computer security 11 (4), 451-519, 2003 | 345 | 2003 |
Types and effects for asymmetric cryptographic protocols AD Gordon, A Jeffrey Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 2002. Proceedings. 15th IEEE, 77-91, 2002 | 219 | 2002 |
Towards a theory of accountability and audit R Jagadeesan, A Jeffrey, C Pitcher, J Riely Computer Security–ESORICS 2009, 152-167, 2009 | 148 | 2009 |
Java Jr: Fully abstract trace semantics for a core Java language A Jeffrey, J Rathke Programming Languages and Systems, 423-438, 2005 | 130 | 2005 |
A fully abstract may testing semantics for concurrent objects A Jeffrey, J Rathke IEEE Logic in Computer Science, 101-112, 2002 | 107 | 2002 |
Model checking firewall policy configurations A Jeffrey, T Samak 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and …, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |
A theory of weak bisimulation for core CML W Ferreira, M Hennessy, A Jeffrey Journal of Functional Programming 8 (05), 447-491, 1998 | 88 | 1998 |
LTL types FRP: Linear-time Temporal Logic Propositions as Types, Proofs as Functional Reactive Programs A Jeffrey ACM Workshop Programming Languages meets Program Verification, 2012 | 87 | 2012 |
A calculus of untyped aspect-oriented programs R Jagadeesan, A Jeffrey, J Riely ECOOP 2003--Object-Oriented Programming, 54-73, 2003 | 86 | 2003 |
On Thin Air Reads: Towards an Event Structures Model of Relaxed Memory A Jeffrey, J Riely IEEE Logic in Computer Science, 2016 | 84 | 2016 |
Contextual equivalence for higher-order pi-calculus revisited A Jeffrey, J Rathke Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 (1), 2005 | 84 | 2005 |
Typing correspondence assertions for communication protocols AD Gordon, A Jeffrey Theoretical Computer Science 300 (1-3), 379-409, 2003 | 77 | 2003 |
Towards a theory of bisimulation for local names A Jeffrey, J Rathke Logic in Computer Science, 1999. Proceedings. 14th Symposium on, 56-66, 1999 | 70 | 1999 |
μABC: A minimal aspect calculus G Bruns, R Jagadeesan, A Jeffrey, J Riely CONCUR 2004-Concurrency Theory, 209-224, 2004 | 57 | 2004 |
Pattern-matching spi-calculus C Haack, A Jeffrey Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, 55-70, 2005 | 56 | 2005 |
Typing correspondence assertions for communication protocols AD Gordon, A Jeffrey Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 45, 119-140, 2001 | 54 | 2001 |
Premonoidal categories and a graphical view of programs A Jeffrey | 53 | 1997 |
Typed parametric polymorphism for aspects R Jagadeesan, A Jeffrey, J Riely Science of Computer Programming 63 (3), 267-296, 2006 | 52 | 2006 |
Secrecy despite compromise: Types, cryptography, and the pi-calculus A Gordon, A Jeffrey CONCUR 2005–Concurrency Theory, 186-201, 2005 | 51 | 2005 |
A Theory of Weak Bisimulation for Core CML A Jeffrey Proceedings of the 1996 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional …, 1996 | 51* | 1996 |