Zoltan Szigeti
Zoltan Szigeti
Eötvös Lorand Univ.
Role of light in the development of post-chilling symptoms in maize
G Szalai, T Janda, E Páldi, Z Szigeti
Journal of Plant Physiology 148 (3-4), 378-383, 1996
Photosynthetic activity of homoiochlorophyllous desiccation tolerant plant Haberlea rhodopensis during dehydration and rehydration
K Georgieva, Z Szigeti, E Sarvari, L Gaspar, L Maslenkova, V Peeva, ...
Planta 225, 955-964, 2007
Impact of Iron Supply on the Kinetics of Recovery of Photosynthesis in Cd-stressed Poplar (Populus glauca)
Á Solti, L Gáspár, I Mészáros, Z Szigeti, L Lévai, É Sárvári
Annals of botany 102 (5), 771-782, 2008
Effects of Pb and Cd on cucumber depending on the Fe-complex in the culture solution
F Fodor, É Sárvári, F Láng, Z Szigeti, E Cseh
Journal of Plant Physiology 148 (3-4), 434-439, 1996
Mode of action of paraquat in leaves of paraquat‐resistant Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq
E Lehoczki, G Laskay, I Gaal, Z Szigeti
Plant, Cell & Environment 15 (5), 531-539, 1992
Paraquat and atrazine co-resistance in Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.
E Pölös, J Mikulas, Z Szigeti, B Matkovics, Á Párducz, E Lehoczki
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 30 (2), 142-154, 1988
Role of irradiance in the chilling injury of young maize plants studied by chlorophyll fluorescence induction measurements.
T Janda, G Szalai, J Kissimon, E Páldi, C Marton, Z Szigeti
Could orchids indicate truffle habitats?: mycorrhizal association between orchids and truffles
N Ouanphanivanh
Acta Biologica Szegediensis 52 (1), 229-232, 2008
Role of transporters in paraquat resistance of horseweed Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq.
B Jóri, V Soós, D Szegő, E Páldi, Z Szigeti, I Rácz, D Lásztity
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 88 (1), 57-65, 2007
A review of physiological and biochemical aspects of resistance to atrazine and paraquat in Hungarian weeds
Z Szigeti, E Lehoczki
Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 59 (4), 451-458, 2003
Apparatus and method for rapid determination of photosynthetic CO2 fixation of leaves
F Láng, É Sárvári, Z Szigeti
Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen 180 (4), 333-336, 1985
Multicolor Fluorescence Imaging of Leaves—A Useful Tool for Visualizing Systemic Viral Infections in Plants
M Pineda, L Gáspár, F Morales, Z Szigeti, M Baron
Photochemistry and Photobiology 84 (5), 1048-1060, 2008
S-methylmethionine alleviates the cold stress by protection of the photosynthetic apparatus and stimulation of the phenylpropanoid pathway
K Páldi, I Rácz, Z Szigeti, S Rudnóy
Biologia plantarum 58, 189-194, 2014
Phytotoxic effects of heavy metal contaminated soil reveal limitations of extract-based ecotoxicological tests
V Gyuricza, F Fodor, Z Szigeti
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 210, 113-122, 2010
Paraquat resistance of weeds-the case of Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq
Z Szigeti, I Rácz, D Lásztity
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C 56 (5-6), 319-328, 2001
Are either SOD and catalase or the polyamines involved in the paraquat resistance of Conyza canadensis?
Z Szigeti, I Rácz, É Darkól, D Lásztity, E Lehoczki
Journal of Environmental Science & Health Part B 31 (3), 599-604, 1996
Characterization of cold hardening in wheat using fluorescence induction parameters
T Janda, J Kissimon, Z Szigeti, O Veisz, E Páldi
Journal of plant physiology 143 (3), 385-388, 1994
Effect of increased UV-B radiation on the anthocyanin content of maize ( Zea mays L.) leaves
J Pinter, E Kósa, G Hadi, Z Hegyi, T Spitkó, Z Tóth, Z Szigeti, E Páldi, ...
Acta Agronomica Hungarica 55 (1), 7-17, 2007
Növények és a stressz
Z Szigeti
Növényélettan. A növényi anyagcsere II. kötet. Szerk: Láng Ferenc ELTE …, 1998
Effects of heavy metals on the photosynthetic apparatus in cucumber.
F Lang, E Sarvari, Z Szigeti, F Fodor, E Cseh
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