Palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates of the Quaternary molluscan faunas from the coastal area of Bahía Vera-Camarones (Chubut, Patagonia) ML Aguirre, S Richiano, YN Sirch Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 229 (4), 251-286, 2006 | 63 | 2006 |
Evolución paleoambiental de la formación Río Mayer, cretácico inferior, cuenca austral, provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina S Richiano, AN Varela, A Cereceda, DG Poiré Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis 19 (1), 3-26, 2012 | 59 | 2012 |
Pleistocene and Holocene interglacial molluscan assemblages from Patagonian and Bonaerensian littoral (Argentina, SW Atlantic): palaeobiodiversity and palaeobiogeography ML Aguirre, M Donato, S Richiano, EA Farinati Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 308 (3-4), 277-292, 2011 | 56 | 2011 |
Late cretaceous paleosols as paleoclimate proxies of high-latitude southern hemisphere: Mata Amarilla Formation, Patagonia, Argentina AN Varela, MS Raigemborn, S Richiano, T White, DG Poiré, S Lizzoli Sedimentary Geology 363, 83-95, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
The Austral-Magallanes Basin (southern Patagonia): a synthesis of its stratigraphy and evolution JI Cuitiño, AN Varela, MC Ghiglione, S Richiano, DG Poiré Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis 26 (2), 155-166, 2019 | 46 | 2019 |
Late Quaternary molluscan assemblages from the coastal area of Bahía Bustamante (Patagonia, Argentina): paleoecology and paleoenvironments ML Aguirre, YN Sirch, S Richiano Journal of South American Earth Sciences 20 (1-2), 13-32, 2005 | 42 | 2005 |
Distinguishing similar volcanic source areas from an integrated provenance analysis: implications for foreland Andean basins AN Varela, LE Gómez-Peral, S Richiano, DG Poiré Journal of Sedimentary Research 83 (3), 258-276, 2013 | 38 | 2013 |
Malacofauna cuaternaria del litoral norte de Santa Cruz (Patagonia, Argentina) ML Aguirre, S Richiano, MF Álvarez, C Eastoe Geobios 42 (4), 411-434, 2009 | 38 | 2009 |
Digital outcrop modelling using “structure-from-motion” photogrammetry: Acquisition strategies, validation and interpretations to different sedimentary environments A Bilmes, L D'Elia, L Lopez, S Richiano, A Varela, M del Pilar Alvarez, ... Journal of South American Earth Sciences 96, 102325, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |
Evolución paleoambiental de cordones litorales holocenos durante una caída del nivel del mar en la Bahía Samborombón, Buenos Aires, Argentina S Richiano, AN Varela, L D'Elia, A Bilmes, M Aguirre Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis 19 (2), 105-124, 2012 | 35 | 2012 |
Taphonomic comparison between two bivalves (Mactra and Brachidontes) from Late Quaternary deposits in northern Argentina: Which intrinsic and extrinsic factors prevail under … ML Aguirre, S Richiano, E Farinati, E Fucks Quaternary International 233 (2), 113-129, 2011 | 35 | 2011 |
Ichnological signatures from wave-and fluvial-dominated deltas: the La Anita formation, Upper Cretaceous, Austral-Magallanes Basin, Patagonia DM Paz, S Richiano, AN Varela, ARG Dacál, DG Poire Marine and Petroleum Geology 114, 104168, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Preglacial palaeoenvironmental evolution of the ediacaran loma Negra formation, far southwestern gondwana, Argentina LE Gómez-Peral, AJ Kaufman, MJ Arrouy, S Richiano, AN Sial, DG Poiré, ... Precambrian Research 315, 120-137, 2018 | 30 | 2018 |
Composition of the Lower Cretaceous source rock from the Austral Basin (Río Mayer Formation, Patagonia, Argentina): regional implication for unconventional reservoirs in the … S Richiano, AN Varela, LE Gómez-Peral, A Cereceda, DG Poiré Marine and Petroleum Geology 66, 764-790, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
The uppermost Cretaceous continental deposits at the southern end of Patagonia, the Chorrillo Formation case study (Austral-Magallanes Basin): Sedimentology, fossil content and … D Moyano-Paz, S Rozadilla, F Agnolin, E Vera, MD Coronel, AN Varela, ... Cretaceous Research 130, 105059, 2022 | 29 | 2022 |
Tsunami vs storm origin for shell bed deposits in a lagoon enviroment: an example from the Upper Cretaceous of Southern Patagonia, Argentina AN Varela, S Richiano, DG Poiré Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis 18 (1), 63-85, 2011 | 29 | 2011 |
Paleo-climatic and paleo-environmental evolution of the Neoproterozoic basal sedimentary cover on the Río de La Plata Craton, Argentina: Insights from the δ13C chemostratigraphy LE Gómez-Peral, AN Sial, MJ Arrouy, S Richiano, VP Ferreira, ... Sedimentary Geology 353, 139-157, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Environmental factors affecting the development of the Zoophycos ichnofacies in the lower cretaceous río mayer formation (Austral Basin, Patagonia) S Richiano Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 439, 17-26, 2015 | 26 | 2015 |
Bioerosion structures in Quaternary marine molluscs from Argentina S Richiano, ML Aguirre, E Farinati Netto, R., N., Carmona, y F., Tognoli (Eds.), Ichnology of Latin America …, 2012 | 23 | 2012 |
Edades U-Pb en zircones de tobas de la Fm. Piedra Clavada, Pcia. de Santa Cruz, Argentina: Un marcador Albiano tardío para la evolución tectónica y biológica de la Cuenca Austral DG Poiré, A Iglesias, AN Varela, S Richiano, M Ibañez Mejías, ... Actas del XX Congreso Geológico Argentino, San Miguel de Tucumán, 95-98, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |