Laura Argys
Laura Argys
在 ucdenver.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Detracking America's schools: Equity at zero cost?
LM Argys, DI Rees, DJ Brewer
Journal of Policy analysis and Management 15 (4), 623-645, 1996
For better or worse: relationship status and body mass index
SL Averett, A Sikora, LM Argys
Economics & Human Biology 6 (3), 330-349, 2008
The impact of child support on cognitive outcomes of young children
LM Argys, HE Peters, J Brooks-Gunn, JR Smith
Demography 35, 159-173, 1998
Birth order and risky adolescent behavior
LM Argys, DI Rees, SL Averett, B Witoonchart
Economic Inquiry 44 (2), 215-233, 2006
The impact of government policies and neighborhood characteristics on teenage sexual activity and contraceptive use
SL Averett, DI Rees, LM Argys
American Journal of Public Health 92 (11), 1773-1778, 2002
New evidence on the relationship between substance use and adolescent sexual behavior
DI Rees, LM Argys, SL Averett
Journal of health economics 20 (5), 835-845, 2001
Detracking America's schools: The reform without cost?
DJ Brewer, DI Rees, LM Argys
Phi Delta Kappan 77 (3), 210, 1995
With a little help from my friends: the effects of naloxone access and good samaritan laws on opioid-related deaths
DI Rees, JJ Sabia, LM Argys, J Latshaw, D Dave
national Bureau of economic research, 2017
With a little help from my friends: the effects of Good Samaritan and naloxone access laws on opioid-related deaths
DI Rees, JJ Sabia, LM Argys, D Dave, J Latshaw
The Journal of Law and Economics 62 (1), 1-27, 2019
Older siblings and adolescent risky behavior: does parenting play a role?
SL Averett, LM Argys, DI Rees
Journal of Population Economics 24, 957-978, 2011
Enforcing divorce settlements: Evidence from child support compliance and award modifications
HE Peters, LM Argys, EE Maccoby, RH Mnookin
Demography 30, 719-735, 1993
Measuring contact between children and nonresident fathers
L Argys, E Peters, S Cook, S Garasky, L Nepomnyaschy, E Sorensen
Handbook of measurement issues in family research, 375-398, 2013
Searching for peer group effects: A test of the contagion hypothesis
LM Argys, DI Rees
The Review of Economics and Statistics 90 (3), 442-458, 2008
In sickness and in health: An examination of relationship status and health using data from the Canadian National Public Health Survey
SL Averett, LM Argys, J Sorkin
Review of Economics of the Household 11, 599-633, 2013
Interactions between unmarried fathers and their children: The role of paternity establishment and child-support policies
LM Argys, HE Peters
American Economic Review 91 (2), 125-129, 2001
Tracking in the United States: Descriptive statistics from NELS
DI Rees, LM Argys, DJ Brewer
Economics of Education Review 15 (1), 83-89, 1996
Who shall live and who shall die? An analysis of prisoners on death row in the United States
LM Argys, HN Mocan
The Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2), 255-282, 2004
Can the family support act put some life back into deadbeat dads?: An analysis of child-support guidelines, award rates, and levels
LM Argys, HE Peters, DM Waldman
Journal of Human Resources, 226-252, 2001
Economic incentives and foster child adoption
L Argys, B Duncan
Demography 50, 933-954, 2013
A head above the rest: height and adolescent psychological well-being
DI Rees, JJ Sabia, LM Argys
Economics & Human Biology 7 (2), 217-228, 2009
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