Olexandr Nekhay
Olexandr Nekhay
Investigador Titular en IFAPA (Junta de Andalucía)
在 juntadeandalucia.es 的电子邮件经过验证
Evaluation of soil erosion risk using Analytic Network Process and GIS: A case study from Spanish mountain olive plantations
O Nekhay, M Arriaza, L Boerboom
Journal of environmental management 90 (10), 3091-3104, 2009
Spatial analysis of the suitability of olive plantations for wildlife habitat restoration
O Nekhay, M Arriaza, JR Guzmán-Álvarez
Computers and electronics in agriculture 65 (1), 49-64, 2009
Harvest failures, temporary export restrictions and global food security: the example of limited grain exports from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan
T Fellmann, S Hélaine, O Nekhay
Food Security 6, 727-742, 2014
Demand for non-commodity outputs from mountain olive groves
M Arriaza Balmón, JA Gomez-Limon, Z Kallas, O Nekhay
Agricultural Economics Review 9 (1), 5-23, 2009
Analysing the provision of agricultural public goods: The case of irrigated olive groves in southern Spain
AJ Villanueva, JA Gómez-Limón, M Arriaza, O Nekhay
Land Use Policy 38, 300-313, 2014
Evaluación social multicriterio del territorio agrícola: el caso del olivar de bajo producción
M Arriaza Balmón, O Nekhay
Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 39-69, 2010
Anaisis de la demanda de bienes y servicios no comerciales procedentes de la actividad agraria: el caso del olivar de montana andaluz
Z Kallas, JA Gómez-Limón, M Arriaza Balmón, O Nekhay
Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales 6 (11), 49-79, 2006
The agri-food sector in Ukraine: Current situation and market outlook until 2025
M van Leeuwen, P Salamon, T Fellmann, M Banse, O von Ledebur, ...
JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, European Commission, Luxembourg, http …, 2012
Use of the ANP methodology to prioritize rural development strategies under the LEADER approach in protected areas. The case of Lagodekhi, Georgia
LAF Portillo, O Nekhay, LE Mohedano
Land Use Policy 88, 104121, 2019
How attractive is upland olive groves landscape? Application of the analytic hierarchy process and GIS in southern Spain
O Nekhay, M Arriaza
Sustainability 8 (11), 1160, 2016
The agri-food sector in Russia: Current situation and market outlook until 2025
G Salputra, M van Leeuwen, P Salamon, T Fellmann, M Banse, ...
Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, 2013
Agricultural sector and market developments: a special focus on Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan
T Fellmann, O Nekhay
JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, European Commission, Luxembourg, 2012
Restoration of abandoned agricultural lands toward habitats for umbrella species
O Nekhay, M Arriaza
Spanish journal of agricultural research, 375-389, 2009
Does abolishing tariffs in bilateral trade matter for a country’s economic growth? The impact of the EU–Ukraine DCFTA
O Nekhay, MC Delgado, MA Cardenete
Europe-Asia Studies 73 (7), 1257-1278, 2021
Methodology of complex estimation level of socio-ecological and economic development of industrial regions of Ukraine
V Ilchenko, Y Goryaschenko, K Zhadko, NN Olexandr M
Problems and Perspectives in Management 17 (2), 277-288, 2019
A free trade agreement between Ukraine and the European Union: potential effects on agricultural markets and farmers' revenues
O Nekhay, T Fellmann, SH Gay
Post-Communist Economies 24 (3), 351-363, 2012
Combining AHP and GIS modelling to evaluate the suitability of agricultural lands for restoration
M Arriaza, O Nekhay
107th EAAE seminar,“Modelling agricultural and rural development polices …, 2008
Impact of Russia and Ukraine on the international price formation and the EU markets-A Model based analysis
M Banse, P Salamon, O Ledebur, M van Leeuwen, F Bouma, G Salputra, ...
Assessing inequality and poverty in long-term growth projections: A general equilibrium analysis for six developing countries
W Britz, Y Jafari, O Nekhay, R Roson
Economic Modelling 117, 106066, 2022
A free trade between Ukraine and the European Union: Challenges and opportunities for agricultural markets
O Nekhay, SH Gay, T Fellmann
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