Brit Oppedal
The effect of acculturation and social support on change in mental health among young immigrants
B Oppedal, E Røysamb, DL Sam
International Journal of Behavioral Development 28 (6), 481-494, 2004
Psykiske lidelser i Norge: Et folkehelseperspektiv
A Mykletun, AK Knudsen, KS Mathiesen
The role of social support in the acculturation and mental health of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers
B Oppedal, T Idsoe
Scandinavian journal of psychology 56 (2), 203-211, 2015
Ethnic group, acculturation, and psychiatric problems in young immigrants
B Oppedal, E Røysamb, S Heyerdahl
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 46 (6), 646-660, 2005
Mental health, life stress and social support among young Norwegian adolescents with immigrant and host national background
B Oppedal, E Røysamb
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 45 (2), 131-144, 2004
Development and acculturation
B Oppedal
The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology, 97-112, 2006
Resilience and acculturation among unaccompanied refugee minors
S Keles, O Friborg, T Idsøe, S Sirin, B Oppedal
International journal of behavioral development 42 (1), 52-63, 2018
Bedre føre var.. Psykisk helse: Helsefremmende og forebyggende tiltak og anbefalinger
OS Dalgard, KS Mathiesen, E Nord, SO Ose, MA Rognerud, LE Aarø
rapport Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt, 2011
Predictors of depressive symptoms among resettled unaccompanied refugee minors
KB Seglem, B Oppedal, S Raeder
Scandinavian journal of psychology 52 (5), 457-464, 2011
Depression among unaccompanied minor refugees: the relative contribution of general and acculturation-specific daily hassles
S Keles, O Friborg, T Idsøe, S Sirin, B Oppedal
Ethnicity & health 21 (3), 300-317, 2016
Acculturation as a developmental pathway
DL Sam, B Oppedal
Online readings in psychology and culture 8 (1), 6, 2003
The strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)–Self‐Report. An analysis of its structure in a multiethnic urban adolescent sample
J Richter, Å Sagatun, S Heyerdahl, B Oppedal, E Røysamb
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 52 (9), 1002-1011, 2011
Daily hassles and coping dispositions as predictors of psychological adjustment: A comparative study of young unaccompanied refugees and youth in the resettlement country
KB Seglem, B Oppedal, E Roysamb
International journal of behavioral development 38 (3), 293-303, 2014
Bahçeşehir study of Syrian refugee children in Turkey
S Özer, SR Sirin, B Oppedal
Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi, 2016
Conduct problems and depression among unaccompanied refugees: the association with pre-migration trauma and acculturation
B Oppedal, T Idsoe
Anales de psicología 28 (3), 683-694, 2012
Traumatic events, social support and depression: Syrian refugee children in Turkish camps
B Oppedal, S Özer, SR Şirin
Vulnerable children and youth studies 13 (1), 46-59, 2018
Avhengig og selvstendig. Enslige mindreårige flyktningers stemme i tall og tale
B Oppedal, K Seglem, L Jensen
Vocational identity development among unaccompanied refugee minors
B Oppedal, E Guribye, J Kroger
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 60, 145-159, 2017
Acculturation development and the acquisition of culture competence
B Oppedal, CO Toppelberg
The Cambridge handbook of acculturation psychology 2, 71-92, 2016
Is relatively young age within a school year a risk factor for mental health problems and poor school performance? A population-based cross-sectional study of adolescents in …
L Lien, K Tambs, B Oppedal, S Heyerdahl, E Bjertness
BMC public health 5, 1-8, 2005
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