Professor Peter A Norreys
Professor Peter A Norreys
Department of Physics, University of Oxford
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Monoenergetic beams of relativistic electrons from intense laser–plasma interactions
SPD Mangles, CD Murphy, Z Najmudin, AGR Thomas, JL Collier, ...
Nature 431 (7008), 535-538, 2004
Fast heating of ultrahigh-density plasma as a step towards laser fusion ignition
R Kodama, PA Norreys, K Mima, AE Dangor, RG Evans, H Fujita, ...
Nature 412 (6849), 798-802, 2001
Measurements of energetic proton transport through magnetized plasma from intense laser interactions with solids
EL Clark, K Krushelnick, JR Davies, M Zepf, M Tatarakis, FN Beg, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (4), 670, 2000
A study of picosecond laser–solid interactions up to 1019 W cm−2
FN Beg, AR Bell, AE Dangor, CN Danson, AP Fews, ME Glinsky, ...
Physics of plasmas 4 (2), 447-457, 1997
Energetic heavy-ion and proton generation from ultraintense laser-plasma interactions with solids
EL Clark, K Krushelnick, M Zepf, FN Beg, M Tatarakis, A Machacek, ...
Physical Review Letters 85 (8), 1654, 2000
Fast heating scalable to laser fusion ignition
R Kodama, H Shiraga, K Shigemori, Y Toyama, S Fujioka, H Azechi, ...
Nature 418 (6901), 933-934, 2002
High harmonic generation in the relativistic limit
B Dromey, M Zepf, A Gopal, K Lancaster, MS Wei, K Krushelnick, ...
Nature physics 2 (7), 456-459, 2006
Efficient extreme UV harmonics generated from picosecond laser pulse interactions with solid targets
PA Norreys, M Zepf, S Moustaizis, AP Fews, J Zhang, P Lee, M Bakarezos, ...
Physical Review Letters 76 (11), 1832, 1996
Photonuclear physics when a multiterawatt laser pulse interacts with solid targets
KWD Ledingham, I Spencer, T McCanny, RP Singhal, MIK Santala, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (5), 899, 2000
Plasma ion emission from high intensity picosecond laser pulse interactions with solid targets
AP Fews, PA Norreys, FN Beg, AR Bell, AE Dangor, CN Danson, P Lee, ...
Physical review letters 73 (13), 1801, 1994
fluorescence measurement of relativistic electron transport in the context of fast ignition
RB Stephens, RA Snavely, Y Aglitskiy, F Amiranoff, C Andersen, D Batani, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (6 …, 2004
Observation of a highly directional γ-ray beam from ultrashort, ultraintense laser pulse interactions with solids
PA Norreys, M Santala, E Clark, M Zepf, I Watts, FN Beg, K Krushelnick, ...
Physics of Plasmas 6 (5), 2150-2156, 1999
Effect of the plasma density scale length on the direction of fast electrons in relativistic laser-solid interactions
MIK Santala, M Zepf, I Watts, FN Beg, E Clark, M Tatarakis, K Krushelnick, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (7), 1459, 2000
Bright multi-keV harmonic generation from relativistically oscillating plasma surfaces
B Dromey, S Kar, C Bellei, DC Carroll, RJ Clarke, JS Green, S Kneip, ...
Physical Review Letters 99 (8), 085001, 2007
Vulcan Petawatt—an ultra-high-intensity interaction facility
CN Danson, PA Brummitt, RJ Clarke, JL Collier, B Fell, AJ Frackiewicz, ...
Nuclear Fusion 44 (12), S239, 2004
Proton acceleration from high-intensity laser interactions with thin foil targets
M Zepf, EL Clark, FN Beg, RJ Clarke, AE Dangor, A Gopal, K Krushelnick, ...
Physical review letters 90 (6), 064801, 2003
Saturated and near-diffraction-limited operation of an XUV laser at 23.6 nm
A Carillon, HZ Chen, P Dhez, L Dwivedi, J Jacoby, P Jaegle, G Jamelot, ...
Physical review letters 68 (19), 2917, 1992
Effect of laser intensity on fast-electron-beam divergence in solid-density plasmas
JS Green, VM Ovchinnikov, RG Evans, KU Akli, H Azechi, FN Beg, ...
Physical review letters 100 (1), 015003, 2008
Laboratory measurements of magnetic fields generated during high-intensity laser interactions with dense plasmas
U Wagner, M Tatarakis, A Gopal, FN Beg, EL Clark, AE Dangor, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (2 …, 2004
Measuring huge magnetic fields
M Tatarakis, I Watts, FN Beg, EL Clark, AE Dangor, A Gopal, MG Haines, ...
Nature 415 (6869), 280-280, 2002
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