Jay Hou
The influence of hyaluronic acid hydrogel crosslinking density and macromolecular diffusivity on human MSC chondrogenesis and hypertrophy
L Bian, C Hou, E Tous, R Rai, RL Mauck, JA Burdick
Biomaterials 34 (2), 413-421, 2013
Enhanced substrate stress relaxation promotes filopodia-mediated cell migration
K Adebowale, Z Gong, JC Hou, KM Wisdom, D Garbett, H Lee, S Nam, ...
Nature materials 20 (9), 1290-1299, 2021
A high throughput mechanical screening device for cartilage tissue engineering
B Mohanraj, C Hou, GR Meloni, BD Cosgrove, GR Dodge, RL Mauck
Journal of biomechanics 47 (9), 2130-2136, 2014
Negative durotaxis: cell movement toward softer environments
A Isomursu, KY Park, J Hou, B Cheng, M Mathieu, G Shamsan, B Fuller, ...
Nature materials 21 (9), 1081, 2022
A Gauss-Kronrod-Trapezoidal integration scheme for modeling biological tissues with continuous fiber distributions
C Hou, GA Ateshian
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 19 (8), 883-893, 2016
Finite element formulation of multiphasic shell elements for cell mechanics analyses in FEBio
JC Hou, SA Maas, JA Weiss, GA Ateshian
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 140 (12), 121009, 2018
Modeling distributed forces within cell adhesions of varying size on continuous substrates
JC Hou, GA Shamsan, SM Anderson, MM McMahon, LP Tyler, BT Castle, ...
Cytoskeleton 76 (11-12), 571-585, 2019
A high throughput mechanical model to study injurious compression of engineered cartilage
B Mohanraj, C Hou, BD Cosgrove, RL Mauck, GR Dodge
Abstract presented at the Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San …, 2013
Utilization of high throughput mechanical screening for the evaluation of mechanical properties and compressive injury models
B Mohanraj, C Hou, M Schmidt, RL Mauck, GR Dodge
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 21, S233-S234, 2013
A novel high-throughput system for the mechanical analysis and impact loading of multiple engineered cartilage constructs
BD Cosgrove, B Mohanraj, C Hou, GR Dodge, RL Mauck
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 20, S243-S244, 2012
Estimating Cell Traction Forces within 3D Collagen Matrices
J Hou, MD Kelly, WR Gordon, DJ Odde
Available at SSRN 4037927, 0
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