From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management S Seuring, M Müller Journal of cleaner production 16 (15), 1699-1710, 2008 | 8079 | 2008 |
Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions M Brandenburg, K Govindan, J Sarkis, S Seuring European journal of operational research 233 (2), 299-312, 2014 | 1484 | 2014 |
Conducting content‐analysis based literature reviews in supply chain management S Seuring, S Gold Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 17 (5), 544-555, 2012 | 1408 | 2012 |
A review of modeling approaches for sustainable supply chain management S Seuring Decision support systems 54 (4), 1513-1520, 2013 | 1340 | 2013 |
Sustainable supply chain management and inter‐organizational resources: a literature review S Gold, S Seuring, P Beske Corporate social responsibility and environmental management 17 (4), 230-245, 2010 | 1309 | 2010 |
Sustainable supply chain management practices and dynamic capabilities in the food industry: A critical analysis of the literature P Beske, A Land, S Seuring International journal of production economics 152, 131-143, 2014 | 1195 | 2014 |
Core issues in sustainable supply chain management–a Delphi study S Seuring, M Müller Business strategy and the environment 17 (8), 455-466, 2008 | 939 | 2008 |
Challenges and opportunities of digital information at the intersection of Big Data Analytics and supply chain management F Kache, S Seuring International Journal of Operations & Production Management 37 (1), 10-36, 2017 | 909 | 2017 |
Putting sustainability into supply chain management P Beske, S Seuring Supply Chain Management: an international journal 19 (3), 322-331, 2014 | 788 | 2014 |
Blockchain applications in supply chains, transport and logistics: a systematic review of the literature M Pournader, Y Shi, S Seuring, SCL Koh International Journal of Production Research 58 (7), 2063-2081, 2020 | 780 | 2020 |
Management of social issues in supply chains: a literature review exploring social issues, actions and performance outcomes SA Yawar, S Seuring Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3), 621–643, 2017 | 699 | 2017 |
Incorporating sustainability into supply management in the automotive industry–the case of the Volkswagen AG J Koplin, S Seuring, M Mesterharm Journal of cleaner production 15 (11-12), 1053-1062, 2007 | 699 | 2007 |
Sustainability and supply chain management–an introduction to the special issue S Seuring, J Sarkis, M Müller, P Rao Journal of cleaner production 16 (15), 1545-1551, 2008 | 616 | 2008 |
Assessing the rigor of case study research in supply chain management SA Seuring Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 13 (2), 128-137, 2008 | 601 | 2008 |
Supply chain and logistics issues of bio-energy production S Gold, S Seuring Journal of cleaner production 19 (1), 32-42, 2011 | 541 | 2011 |
Sustainability management beyond corporate boundaries: from stakeholders to performance S Seuring, S Gold Journal of cleaner production 56, 1-6, 2013 | 477 | 2013 |
Dynamic supply chain network design for the supply of blood in disasters: A robust model with real world application A Jabbarzadeh, B Fahimnia, S Seuring Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 70, 225-244, 2014 | 448 | 2014 |
The contribution of environmental and social standards towards ensuring legitimacy in supply chain governance M Mueller, VG Dos Santos, S Seuring Journal of Business ethics 89, 509-523, 2009 | 409 | 2009 |
Environmental impacts as buying criteria for third party logistical services C Wolf, S Seuring International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 40 (1 …, 2010 | 400 | 2010 |
Industrial ecology, life cycles, supply chains: differences and interrelations S Seuring Business strategy and the Environment 13 (5), 306-319, 2004 | 393 | 2004 |