Zenon Nieckarz
Zenon Nieckarz
University Professor, Jagiellonian University
在 uj.edu.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Progressive recruitment of muscle fibers is not necessary for the slow component of V̇o2 kinetics
JA Zoladz, LB Gladden, MC Hogan, Z Nieckarz, B Grassi
Journal of Applied Physiology 105 (2), 575-580, 2008
Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field measurements at the Hylaty station and methodology of signal analysis
A Kulak, J Kubisz, S Klucjasz, A Michalec, J Mlynarczyk, Z Nieckarz, ...
Radio Science 49 (6), 361-370, 2014
Endurance training decreases the non‐linearity in the oxygen uptake–power output relationship in humans
J Majerczak, M Korostynski, Z Nieckarz, Z Szkutnik, K Duda, JA Zoladz
Experimental physiology 97 (3), 386-399, 2012
Breast cancer pulmonary metastasis is increased in mice undertaking spontaneous physical training in the running wheel; a call for revising beneficial effects of exercise on …
M Smeda, K Przyborowski, B Proniewski, A Zakrzewska, D Kaczor, ...
American Journal of Cancer Research 7 (9), 1926, 2017
Studies of ELF propagation in the spherical shell cavity using a field decomposition method based on asymmetry of Schumann resonance curves
A Kułak, J Młynarczyk, S Zięba, S Micek, Z Nieckarz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A10), 2006
Human body composition and muscle mass
K Duda, J Majerczak, Z Nieckarz, SB Heymsfield, JA Zoladz
Muscle and exercise physiology, 3-26, 2019
Solar variations in extremely low frequency propagation parameters: 2. Observations of Schumann resonances and computation of the ELF attenuation parameter
A Kulak, J Kubisz, A Michalec, S Zięba, Z Nieckarz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A7), 2003
Solar variations in extremely low frequency propagation parameters: 1. A two‐dimensional telegraph equation (TDTE) model of ELF propagation and fundamental parameters of …
A Kulak, S Zięba, S Micek, Z Nieckarz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A7), 2003
Wpływ oscylacji północnoatlantyckiej na przepływy rzek karpackich (1951-2000)
J Pociask-Karteczka, D Limanówka, Z Nieckarz
Folia Geographica. Series Geographica-Physica 33, 2003
Plasma thyroid hormones and corticosterone levels in blood of chicken embryos and post hatch chickens exposed during incubation to 1800 MHz electromagnetic field
K Pawlak, A Sechman, Z Nieckarz
International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health 27 …, 2014
Exercise training in Tgαq*44 mice during the progression of chronic heart failure: cardiac vs. peripheral (soleus muscle) impairments to oxidative metabolism
B Grassi, J Majerczak, E Bardi, A Buso, M Comelli, S Chlopicki, M Guzik, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 123 (2), 326-336, 2017
Application of the Schumann resonance spectral decomposition in characterizing the main African thunderstorm center
M Dyrda, A Kulak, J Mlynarczyk, M Ostrowski, J Kubisz, A Michalec, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (23), 13,338-13,349, 2014
Comparison of global storm activity rate calculated from Schumann resonance background components to electric field intensity E0Z
Z Nieckarz, A Kułak, S Zięba, M Kubicki, S Michnowski, P Barański
Atmospheric Research 91 (2-4), 184-187, 2009
Study of the periodicities of lightning activity in three main thunderstorm centers based on Schumann resonance measurements
Z Nieckarz, S Zięba, A Kułak, A Michalec
Monthly weather review 137 (12), 4401-4409, 2009
The North Atlantic Oscillation impact on hydrological regime in Polish Carpathians
D Limanówka, Z Nieckarz, J Pociask-Karteczka
Interdisciplinary Approaches in Small Catchment Hydrology: Monitoring and …, 2002
Analytical description of ELF transients produced by cloud‐to‐ground lightning discharges
A Kułak, Z Nieckarz, S Zięba
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D19), 2010
Prediction of hydrological extremes by air circulation indices
J Pociask-Karteczka, Z Nieckarz, D Limanówka
Marathon race performance increases the amount of particulate matter deposited in the respiratory system of runners: An incentive for “clean air marathon runs”
JA Zoladz, Z Nieckarz
PeerJ 9, e11562, 2021
Myosin heavy chain composition in the vastus lateralis muscle in relation to oxygen uptake and heart rate during cycling in humans
J Majerczak, Z Nieckarz, J Karasinski, JA Zoladz
J Physiol Pharmacol 65 (2), 217-27, 2014
Variability of air mass occurrence in southern Poland (1951–2010)
P Kotas, R Twardosz, Z Nieckarz
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 114, 615-623, 2013
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