Социолингвистика и социология языка НБ Вахтин, ЕВ Головко Издательский Центр" Гуманитарная Академия", 2004 | 713 | 2004 |
Native Peoples of the Russian Far North. N Vakhtin | 180 | 1992 |
Русские старожилы Сибири: Социальные и символические аспекты самосознания Н Вахтин, Е Головко, П Швайтцер Litres, 2022 | 124 | 2022 |
Aleut in contact: The CIA enigma EV Golovko, NB Vakhtin Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 22 (1), 97-125, 1990 | 96 | 1990 |
Indigenous knowledge in modern culture: Siberian Yupik ecological legacy in transition I Krupnik, N Vakhtin Arctic Anthropology, 236-252, 1997 | 92 | 1997 |
Iazyki narodov Severa v XX veke. Ocherki iazykovogo sdviga N Vakhtin Languages of the peoples of the North and essays on language shift]. St …, 2001 | 64 | 2001 |
Russkie starožily Sibiri: social'nye i simboliďeskie aspekty samosoznanija NB Vachtin, EV Golovko, P Švajtcer Novoe izdatel'stvo, 2004 | 52 | 2004 |
Who owns Siberian ethnography?: A critical assessment of a re-internationalized field P Gray, N Vakhtin, P Schweitzer Sibirica 3 (2), 194-216, 2003 | 51 | 2003 |
13 Copper Island Aleut: a case of language" resurrection N Vakhtin Endangered languages: Language loss and community response, 317, 1998 | 45 | 1998 |
Jazyki narodov Severa v XX veke: očerki jazykovogo sdviga NB Vachtin Evropejskij Univ., 2001 | 39* | 2001 |
Sociolingvistika i sociologija jazyka N Vahtin, EV Golovko Jazyk i obščestvo, 233-239, 2004 | 34 | 2004 |
The Yukagir language in sociolinguistic perspective NB Vakhtin (No Title), 1991 | 34 | 1991 |
Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language NB Vakhtin, EV Golovko Rus, 2004 | 32 | 2004 |
Endangered languages in Northeast Siberia: Siberian Yupik and other languages of Chukotka N Vakhtin Bicultural education in the north: Ways of preserving and enhancing …, 1998 | 29 | 1998 |
Transformations in Siberian anthropology: an insider's perspective N Vakhtin World anthropologies, 49-68, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Sotsiolingvistika i sotsiologiya yazyka [Sociolinguistics and sociology of language] NB Vakhtin, EV Golovko St. Petersburg: Humanities Academy, 2004 | 27 | 2004 |
Indigenous people of the Russian Far North: land rights and the environment NB Vakhtin Polar Geography 22 (2), 79-104, 1998 | 26 | 1998 |
In the ‘house of dismay’: Knowledge, culture, and post-Soviet politics in Chukotka, 1995–96 I Krupnik, N Vakhtin People and the land: Pathways to reform in post-Soviet Siberia, 7-43, 2002 | 25 | 2002 |
How to ask for a favor: A pilot study in Heritage Russian pragmatics I Dubinina, AS Mustajoki, EIU Protasova, NB Vakhtin Instrumentarium of linguistics: Sociolinguistic approaches to non-standard …, 2010 | 23 | 2010 |
Sotsiolingvistika i sotsiologiya yazyka NB Vakhtin, EV Golovko Uchebnoe posobie, St. Petersburg, 2004 | 23 | 2004 |