How can Indonesia achieve its climate change mitigation goal? An analysis of potential emissions reductions from energy and land-use policies A Wijaya, H Chrysolite, M Ge, CK Wibowo, A Pradana, AF Utami, K Austin World Resources Institute. World Resour Inst Work Pap, 1-36, 2017 | 134 | 2017 |
Indonesian climate policy and data in CAIT Indonesia climate data explorer (PINDAI) M Ge, H Chrysolite, A Utami, A Wijaya, J Friedrich Technical Note, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Working Paper: How Can Indonesia Achieve Its Climate Change Mitigation Goal? An Analysis of Potential Emissions Reductions from Energy and Land-Use Policies A Wijaya, H Chrysolite, GE Mengpin, CK Wibowo, A Pradana, AF Utami, ... World Resource Institute, 2017 | 8 | 2017 |
Kebakaran Hutan di Indonesia Mencapai Tingkat Tertinggi Sejak Kondisi Darurat Kabut Asap Juni 2013 N Sizer, J Anderson, F Stolle, S Minnemeyer, M Higgins, A Leach, ... | 8 | 2013 |
Looking past the horizon: the case for Indonesia’s long-term strategy for climate action H Chrysolite, A Utami, D Mahardika, A Wijaya, JC Altamirano, M Ge | 7 | 2019 |
Building national forest and land-use information systems: Lessons from Cameroon, Indonesia, and Peru L Cheung, K Austin, A Utami, J Bangoura, F Stolle World Resources Institute Working Paper, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
Nigeria on the Move: A Journey to Inclusive Growth World Bank World Bank, 2020 | 5* | 2020 |
Advancing Indonesia from the Margins: Implementing Public-sector Strategic Management to Maximize the Impact of Village Funds AF Utami Harvard University, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
No One Left Behind: Rural Poverty in Indonesia World Bank World Bank, 2020 | 1 | 2020 |
Building National Forest and Land-Use Information Systems L Cheung, K Austin, A Utami, J Bangoura, F Stolle | | 2014 |