The Bible unearthed: Archaeology's new vision of Ancient Israel and the origin of sacred texts I Finkelstein, NA Silberman Simon and Schuster, 2002 | 1341 | 2002 |
Archaeology of the Israelite settlement I Finkelstein Archaeology of the Israelite settlement, 1988 | 695 | 1988 |
The archaeology of the United Monarchy: an alternative view I Finkelstein Levant 28 (1), 177-187, 1996 | 379 | 1996 |
David and Solomon: in Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition I Finkelstein, NA Silberman Simon and Schuster, 2007 | 352 | 2007 |
The forgotten kingdom: the archaeology and history of northern Israel I Finkelstein Society of Biblical Literature, 2013 | 289 | 2013 |
Inscribed in clay: provenance study of the Amarna tablets and other ancient Near Eastern texts Y Goren, I Finkelstein, N Na'aman Emery and Clair Yass Publications in Archaeology, 2004 | 268 | 2004 |
Living on the fringe: the archaeology and the history of the Negev, Sinai and neighbouring regions in the Bronze and Iron Ages Y Finḳelshṭayn Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology 6, 1995 | 259 | 1995 |
The Population of Palestine in Iron Age II M Broshi, I Finkelstein Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 287 (1), 47-60, 1992 | 256 | 1992 |
Climate and the Late Bronze collapse: new evidence from the southern Levant D Langgut, I Finkelstein, T Litt Tel Aviv 40 (2), 149-175, 2013 | 238 | 2013 |
The quest for the historical Israel: debating archaeology and the history of early Israel I Finkelstein, A Mazar Society of Biblical Lit, 2007 | 228 | 2007 |
State formation in Israel and Judah: A contrast in context, a contrast in trajectory I Finkelstein Near Eastern Archaeology 62 (1), 35-52, 1999 | 184 | 1999 |
A Bíblia não tinha razão I Finkelstein, NA Silberman A Girafa Editora, 2003 | 180 | 2003 |
La Bible dévoilée: les nouvelles révélations de l'archéologie I Finkelstein, NA Silberman, P Ghirardi, NA Silberman Bayard, 2002 | 179 | 2002 |
Processes of Sedentarization and Nomadization in the History of Sinai and the Negev I Finkelstein, A Perevolotsky Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 279 (1), 67-88, 1990 | 171 | 1990 |
The Date of the Settlement of the Philistines in Canaan I Finkelstein Tel Aviv 22 (2), 213-239, 1995 | 168 | 1995 |
The Sheshonq I Campaign and the 8th-Century BCE Earthquake-More on the Archaeology and History of the South in the Iron I-IIA A Fantalkin, I Finkelstein Tel Aviv 33 (1), 18-42, 2006 | 167 | 2006 |
Temple and dynasty: Hezekiah, the remaking of Judah and the rise of the pan-Israelite ideology I Finkelstein, NA Silberman Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30 (3), 259-285, 2006 | 165 | 2006 |
Radiocarbon dating the Iron Age in the Levant: a Bayesian model for six ceramic phases and six transitions I Finkelstein, E Piasetzky Antiquity 84 (324), 374-385, 2010 | 163 | 2010 |
Subsistence practices in an arid environment: a geoarchaeological investigation in an Iron Age site, the Negev Highlands, Israel R Shahack-Gross, I Finkelstein Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (4), 965-982, 2008 | 161 | 2008 |
Ethnicity and origin of the Iron I settlers in the highlands of Canaan: can the real Israel stand up? I Finkelstein The Biblical Archaeologist 59 (4), 198-212, 1996 | 157 | 1996 |