Mijail Borges Quintana
Mijail Borges Quintana
Profesor de Matemática, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
在 uo.edu.cu 的电子邮件经过验证
Gröbner bases and combinatorics for binary codes
M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, P Fitzpatrick, E Martínez-Moro
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 19 (5), 393-411, 2008
On a Gröbner bases structure associated to linear codes
M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, E Martinez-Moro
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 10 (2), 151-191, 2007
Computing Gröbner bases by FGLM techniques in a non-commutative setting
MA Borges-Trenard, M Borges-Quintana, T Mora
Journal of Symbolic Computation 30 (4), 429-449, 2000
A general framework for applying FGLM techniques to linear codes
M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, E Martínez-Moro
International Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms, and Error …, 2006
An application of genetic algorithm to cryptanalysis of block ciphers by partitioning the key space
MÁ Borges-Trenard, M Borges-Quintana, L Monier-Columbié
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 25 (2), 325-334, 2022
Computing coset leaders and leader codewords of binary codes
M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, I Márquez-Corbella, ...
Journal of Algebra and its Applications 14 (08), 1550128, 2015
An algebraic view to gradient descent decoding
MB Quintana, MAB Trenard, I Márquez-Corbella, E Martínez-Moro
2010 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 1-4, 2010
A Gröbner representation for linear codes
M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, E Martinez-Moro
Advances in coding theory and cryptography, 17-32, 2007
Ataques a cifrados en bloques mediante búsquedas en grupos cocientes de las claves
OT Corrioso, MAB Trenard, MB Quintana
Ciencias Matemáticas 33 (1), 71-74, 2019
Study of parameters in the genetic algorithm for the attack on block ciphers
O Tito-Corrioso, MA Borges-Trenard, M Borges-Quintana, O Rojas, ...
Symmetry 13 (5), 806, 2021
Espectro Facio-aurículo-vertebral y frecuencia de malformaciones asociadas
M Quintana, S Canún Serrano
Rev. Hops Grl Dr. M Gea Gonzáles 1 (7), 2006
Computing Gröbner bases associated with lattices.
I Álvarez-Barrientos, M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, D Panario
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 10 (4), 2016
An application of Möller’s algorithm to coding theory
M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, E Martínez-Moro
Gröbner Bases, Coding, and Cryptography, 379-384, 2009
GBLA-LC: Gröbner Bases by Linear Algebra and Linear Codes
M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, E Martınez-Moro
ICM 2006. Mathematical Software, 604-605, 2006
An application of the FGLM techniques to linear codes
M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, F Winkler
Fourth Italian-Latin American Conference on Applied and Industrial …, 2001
FGLM Techniques Applied to Linear Codes–An Algorithm for Decoding Linear Codes
M Borges-Quintana, F Winkler, M Borges-Trenard
Techn. Rep. RISC-Linz, RISC-00-14, J. Kepler Univ., Linz, Austria, 00-14, 2000
An algebraic view to gradient descent decoding
M Borges Quintana, B Trenard, I Márquez-Corbella, E Martínez-Moro
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1008.4474, 2010
Nueva función de aptitud en el criptoanálisis genético a cifrados en bloques
MA Borges-Trenard, M Borges-Quintana, A Donatien-Charón, ...
Congreso Internacional COMPUMAT. La Habana, Cuba, 2017
Gröbner basis property on elimination ideals in finite group theory
MA Borges-Trenard, H Pérez-Rosés, M Borges-Quintana
Procs. of the Conf.“Logic, Mathematics and Computer Science: Interactions …, 2002
On the fitness functions involved in genetic algorithms and the cryptanalysis of block ciphers
O Tito-Corrioso, M Borges-Quintana, MA Borges-Trenard, O Rojas, ...
Entropy 25 (2), 261, 2023
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