Bosung Kang
Bosung Kang
University of Dayton Research Institute
在 udri.udayton.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Rank-constrained maximum likelihood estimation of structured covariance matrices
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 50 (1), 501-515, 2014
Spatio-spectral radar beampattern design for coexistence with wireless communication systems
B Kang, O Aldayel, V Monga, M Rangaswamy
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 55 (2), 644-657, 2018
Computationally efficient Toeplitz approximation of structured covariance under a rank constraint
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 51 (1), 775-785, 2015
Adversarial radar inference: Inverse tracking, identifying cognition, and designing smart interference
V Krishnamurthy, K Pattanayak, S Gogineni, B Kang, M Rangaswamy
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 57 (4), 2067-2081, 2021
Radar waveform design under communication sum capacity constraint
B Kang, M Rangaswamy
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69, 2795-2806, 2021
Adaptive channel estimation for cognitive fully adaptive radar
B Kang, S Gogineni, M Rangaswamy, JR Guerci, E Blasch
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 16 (4), 720-734, 2022
Expected likelihood approach for determining constraints in covariance estimation
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy, Y Abramovich
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 52 (5), 2139-2156, 2016
Automatic rank estimation for practical STAP covariance estimation via an expected likelihood approach
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy, YI Abramovich
2015 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon), 1388-1393, 2015
Estimation of structured covariance matrices for radar STAP under practical constraints
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy
2014 IEEE Radar Conference, 0585-0590, 2014
Smart interference signal design to a cognitive radar
B Kang, V Krishnamnurthy, K Pattanayak, S Gogineni, M Rangaswamy
2023 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf23), 1-6, 2023
Toward data-driven stap radar
S Venkatasubramanian, C Wongkamthong, M Soltani, B Kang, ...
2022 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf22), 1-5, 2022
Robust covariance matrix estimation for radar space-time adaptive processing (STAP)
B Kang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05069, 2016
On the practical merits of rank constrained ML estimator of structured covariance matrices
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy
2013 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarCon13), 1-6, 2013
Radar clutter covariance estimation: A nonlinear spectral shrinkage approach
S Jain, V Krishnamurthy, M Rangaswamy, B Kang, S Gogineni
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2023
Constrained maximum likelihood channel estimation for cofar
B Kang, S Gogineni, M Rangaswamy, JR Guerci
2020 54th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 1162-1166, 2020
Student research highlight estimation of structured covariance matrices for radar STAP
B Kang
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 30 (2), 24-25, 2015
Constrained ML estimation of structured covariance matrices with applications in radar STAP
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy
2013 5th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi …, 2013
Rank constrained ML estimation of structured covariance matrices
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst, 2013
Data‐driven target localization using adaptive radar processing and convolutional neural networks
S Venkatasubramanian, S Gogineni, B Kang, A Pezeshki, ...
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2023
Efficient approximation of structured covariance under joint Toeplitz and rank constraints
B Kang, V Monga, M Rangaswamy
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 692-696, 2013
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