Denis Topa
Denis Topa
Iasi University of Life Sciences
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Long term impact of different tillage systems on carbon pools and stocks, soil bulk density, aggregation and nutrients: A field meta-analysis
D Topa, IG Cara, G Jităreanu
Catena 199, 105102, 2021
Biochar a promising strategy for pesticide-contaminated soils
IG Cara, D Țopa, I Puiu, G Jităreanu
Agriculture 12 (10), 1579, 2022
Environmental remediation of metribuzin herbicide by mesoporous carbon—rich from wheat straw
IG Cara, M Filip, L Bulgariu, L Raus, D Topa, G Jitareanu
Applied Sciences 11 (11), 4935, 2021
Assessment of some straw-derived materials for reducing the leaching potential of Metribuzin residues in the soil
IG Cara, LC Trincă, AE Trofin, A Cazacu, D Ţopa, CA Peptu, G Jităreanu
Applied Surface Science 358, 586-594, 2015
Agri-wastes as a low-cost adsorbent for nicosulfuron herbicide
IG Cara, D Topa, AE Calistru, I Motrescu, L Bulgariu, G Jitareanu
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 19 (2), 335-343, 2020
Assessment of Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis) Genotypes for Improved Frost Tolerance
DP Simioniuc, V Simioniuc, D Topa, M Van den Berg, U Prins, PJ Bebeli, ...
Agriculture 11 (2), 155, 2021
Impact of different soil tillage systems and organo-mineral fertilization on physical properties of the soil and on crops yield in pedoclimatical conditions of Moldavian Plateau.
L Răus, G Jităreanu, C Ailincăi, L Pârvan, D Ţopa
Romanian Agricultural Research, 2016
Dissipation of acetochlor and residue analysis in maize and soil under field conditions
IG Cara, FD LIPȘA, MS Cara, L Burtan, Ț Denis, G JITĂREANU
AgroLife Scientific Journal 6 (1), 2017
Selective and sensitive quantification of acetochlor and s-metolachlor in maize and soybean plant samples by Gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
IG Cara, D Topa, L Raus, AE Calistru, F Filipov, G Jitareanu
Agriculture 11 (4), 283, 2021
Tratat de agrotehnica
G Jităreanu, D Țopa, C Ailincăi, AE Calistru
Ed.“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” Iaşi, 2020
Soil compaction influence on winter wheat yield and soil physical properties
DC Țopa, C Ailincăi, G Jităreanu
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary …, 2011
Effects of Hybrid Polymeric Material Based on Polycaprolactone on the Environment
ME Fortună, E Ungureanu, DC Jităreanu, DC Țopa, V Harabagiu
Materials 15 (14), 4868, 2022
Impactul unor sisteme minime asupra producţiei şi fertilităţii solului
D Ţopa, G Jităreanu, C Ailincăi, L Răus
Editura" Ion Ionescu de la Brad, 2013
Influence of organo-mineral fertilization on wheat and maize crops and the evolution of soil fertility under long-term experiments in the Moldavian Plain
D Ailincăi, C Ailincăi, M Zbanț, A Mercuș, DC Țopa
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary …, 2008
Design of Functional Polymer Systems to Optimize the Filler Retention in Obtaining Cellulosic Substrates with Improved Properties
E Ungureanu, ME Fortună, DC Țopa, A Lobiuc, OC Ungureanu, ...
Materials 16 (5), 1904, 2023
Efectul unor sisteme de lucrare a solului asupra unor indicatori pedomorfologici ai cernoziomului cambic mezocalcaric cultivat cu grâul de toamnă. În “Ameliorarea conservarea …
F Filipov, L Răus, D Ţopa
În “Ameliorarea conservarea şi valorificarea solurilor degradate prin …, 2007
„Influenţa sistemelor de lucrare a solului asupra categoriilor de porozitate la cultura grâului de toamnă”, Compactarea solurilor–procese şi consecinţe, Ed
D Ţopa, G Jităreanu
Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, 2007
Preliminary Study on the Impact of Non-Thermal Plasma Activated Water on the Quality of Triticum aestivum L. cv. Glosa Sprouts
A Mandici, DE Cretu, R Burlica, D Astanei, O Beniuga, C Rosu, DC Topa, ...
Horticulturae 8 (12), 1158, 2022
Soil physical properties and winter wheat yield as affected by different tillage systems.
AE Calistru, D Topa, J Rostek, DU Puschmann, S Peth, R Horn, ...
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 17 (3), 978-989, 2016
Impact of plowing on some soil physical properties under hybrid seed corn production
T Denis, D GALES, G CHIRIAC, RÄ Lucian, J Gerard
ProEnvironment Promediu 6 (14), 2013
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